We were moving on to the next order of business when a tremendous clap of thunder followed by two massive bolts of lightning shook the building. I wasn’t even a little surprised when the power flickered and then died. The windows trembled as another bolt of lightning flashed across the sky.

Anya screeched as she jumped from her seat, ran around my desk, and flattened herself against the wall next to the bookcase. I’d never seen her so flustered before, which concerned me.

Without electricity, my office was nearly pitch black. Standing, I walked to Anya and set my hand on her shoulder, frowning when I realized she was trembling. “It’s going to be okay,” I assured her calmly. “The storm will pass in just a few minutes.”

As if to negate my words, two more bolts of lightning lit up the room. Fisting my suit jacket in her hands, Anya buried her head against me.

“I’m terrified of lightning,” she mumbled against my chest.

Yeah, I had figured that out. Unfortunately, I wasn’t really thinking about her fear anymore because she was closer to me than she’d ever been and my dick was standing at full attention.

“I’ll, uh, go get you a cab,” I muttered as I tried to step back.

“No!” she squeaked as she gripped my jacket tighter. “Are you insane? If I walk out there, I could be struck. I know you can’t stand me but surely you don’t want my death on your hands.”

“That’s not true,” I argued. “I don’t dislike you.”

“You’re a lying liar who lies,” she mumbled against my chest. “Even now you’re probably trying to think of how you can shove me out the door with a piece of metal so I can be a conduit for the lightning.”

“Anya,” I said sternly. “Stop that.”

Instead of banking down, the thunder and lightning only seemed to be getting worse. The more intense it got, the firmer her grip on my got. I suspected if it kept up, she’d figure out a way to get inside my body.

“Don’t act like you don’t daydream about my demise,” she squeaked.

“I promise you I don’t.”

I wasn’t lying. My daydreams about her were very detailed and none of them featured her being injured. On the contrary, in my fantasies she was alive, well, and on her knees sucking my cock or spread out across my desk screaming as I fucked her senseless. Lately I’d taken to fantasizing about what she’d look like pregnant, which wasn’t ideal.

“Whatever,” she huffed. “Now you’re making me feel bad for visualizing you falling into a black hole or getting taken by aliens.”

Damn. She really didn’t like me. It shouldn’t have mattered—I didn’t fucking want her to like me after all, right? The joke was on me because I was salty about her revelation.

“You talk too much,” I said gruffly.

“Add it to the list of things about me you can’t stand, right next to my heels being too high, my hair being too long, my skirts being too something, and my lipstick being—”

I don’t know what it was about that moment that shattered my control, but whatever it was changed everything in a blink. I went from staring down at the top of her head to cupping her face and lifting it so she was looking at me. She stopped mid-sentence, her eyes widening as I leaned in and kissed her. I bit down on her puffy lower lip and slid my tongue into her mouth when she gasped.

Fire licked up my spine and I groaned low in my throat as I got my first taste of Anya. She was like a goddamn drug, one that I wanted to overdose on for the rest of my life. Her tongue dueled with mine as she yanked at my jacked so that I was right up against her, not even a quarter of an inch between us. I moved my hands from her face down to her perfect ass, which I gripped for leverage as I ground against her.

We kissed like two desperate lovers who’d been apart for years. Letting go of my jacket, she threaded her hands into my hair and tugged as she matched the motions of my tongue stroke for stroke. I loosened my grip on her ass in order to reach down and grab the hem of her skirt. When I’d yanked it up to her thighs, I gripped her at the waist and lifted her up. Without breaking the kiss, she wrapped her legs around my waist and ground herself against me. My cock jerked and leaked pre-cum when I lowered first one hand and then the other to her ass and felt that she was wearing a thong and garters.

Tearing my mouth from hers, I glared down at her. “Are you trying to fucking kill me by wearing this shit?”