
Holy shit—Devlin kissed the hell out of me. I’d never had better, and I wanted more, more, more.

“Wearing what shit?” I asked huskily.

He groaned as he snapped the silk of one of my garters against my skin. “This, Anya. And this,” he continued as he trailed his hand around my backside and tugged at my thong.

“Are you really giving me shit about my underwear, Mr. Fitzpatrick?”

Bringing his right hand to the front of my thong, he shook his head as he barked out a harsh sound. “Just saying that if I knew this was what you had on, I’d have lost the fight long before now.”

I whimpered as he pushed it to the side and cupped my sex. “Such a smooth, wet pussy,” he moaned. “Have you been thinking dirty thoughts about me, Miss Sims?”

Sliding my hand between us, I palmed his hard cock through his clothes and gave a little squeeze. “I’ll answer if you will, Mr. Fitzpatrick.”

“Dammit Anya,” he growled as he thrust against my hand. “When you’re touching my dick, you call me Devlin.”

“That isn’t an answer, Devlin.”

I gasped as he traced his middle finger up and down on my clit.

“I think about you all the time,” he answered gruffly.

“Me, unf, oh God, me too,” I moaned as he sank two fingers into my soaked pussy.

“Jesus your cunt is tight,” he hissed. “Are you going to let me do all the things I’ve thought about doing to you, Anya? Be warned; they’re filthy.”

I bit my lip as I tilted my head back against the wall. “That depends. Are you going to let me do all the dirty, dirty things I’ve wanted to do to you?”

“I knew it,” he hissed. “You really are trying to kill me.”

“That wasn’t an answer,” I panted. My pussy grew even wetter as he rubbed my clit with his thumb while he fucked me with his fingers.

“You can do whatever you want,” he murmured.

“Then yes,” I moaned. “I’m all yours.”

He pulled his fingers from me so quickly I felt like I had whiplash. “Stand up,” he ordered.

Letting go of the hold my thighs had around his waist I set my feet on the floor.

“Get your shit,” he rasped.

My stomach dropped as I gaped at him. That son of a bitch had been fucking with me.

“You are the biggest piece of shit ever. I can’t believe you just played me like that—”

He covered my mouth with his hand and ground against me. “Jesus, Anya. I’m not fucking stopping,” he said harshly. “But you’re out of your mind if you think my office is where I’m going to fuck you. There’s a big bed waiting for us in my bedroom, which you know damn well is three buildings down. Get. Your. Shit. The quicker you do the faster I can get my mouth on your clit and my cock in your cunt.”

Another bolt of lightning streaked across the sky as he spoke. “You want to go out in that?” I asked.

“We’ll run. I promise we’ll make it, sweetheart. Now get your shit so we can go.”

In my right mind, I’d have told him to pound sand—I mean really, who tried to outrun lightning in the pouring rain? I wanted his cock enough that I was willing to risk life and limb to get it.

Pushing him aside, I hurried through the dark office and went to my desk to grab my purse. Devlin came out a second or so later, the sound of him jingling his keys telling me he was itching to lock up and go.

Grabbing my hand, he hurried me out of the door. The rain was still coming down fast and furious as he stabbed the key into the lock and secured the office. We hurried down the stairs, but I was significantly slower than him in my heels. Stooping down he threw me over his shoulder and ran through the rain to get to his front door. The speed with which he got us there didn’t matter—the rain was so extreme that we were both soaked. He held me still with one hand wrapped around my waist as he unlocked his front door, ignoring my shriek as another bolt of lightning lit up the area.

He set me down on my feet and made sure I was steady before he turned, locked the door, and threw his keys on a table in the entryway. “Strip,” he growled. He said this as he tore off his suit jacket and tossed it to the floor like it was a JC Penny special instead of Brooks Brothers. I kicked off my heels and set them upside down to dry. He undid his tie in a hurry before he ripped his shirt off without care. Sensing a theme, I undid two of the buttons on my blouse and pulled it up and over my head. He growled as a bolt of lightning gave him a view of my red pushup bra. I’d barely had time to unzip my skirt before he had his shoes, socks, and the remainder of his clothes off, leaving him in only a pair of dark boxer briefs. Gripping the waist of my skirt, he tugged it down and helped me step out of it before he lifted me into his arms and carried me up the stairs.