Lies, all lies. Instead of getting another version of sweet, no-nonsense Betsy, I was shackled to a walking wet dream who made my dick hard just by fucking breathing. Anya was singlehandedly ruining my concentration and would, in all likelihood, destroy my career.

Oh, sure, it was my law firm, but rules were rules for a reason. That meant ripping Anya’s clothes off to lick her clit until she came on my face wasn’t going to happen.

The worst part was that she wouldn’t leave. No matter how short-tempered or ridiculous I was, she stayed. Damn her; she did her job practically perfectly. Betsy had been right about one thing—Anya was good. Too good, in my opinion, because it meant I had no cause to fire her. Believe me; I’d tried. I’d also tried to bribe her to quit on multiple occasions, but she turned me down flat every time.

If it weren’t for the fact that she got under my skin like no other, we’d probably be doing just fine. Unfortunately for me, she had a sassy mouth that matched the seductive sway of her walk. It was a shitty situation all the way around, and there didn’t seem to be any resolution in sight.

When she blinked, I wanted to stare into her eyes while I fucked her. When she swayed her perfectly rounded hips as she walked, I wanted to bend her over my desk and fuck her from behind. When she pouted her puffy insert dick here lips, I wanted to shove my cock in her mouth and then fuck her. When she mouthed off, I wanted to shove her panties in her mouth and fuck her. Clearly, I had issues.

Coming out of the washroom in my office, I grimaced when I found Anya sitting in one of the two visitors chairs in front of my desk. I’d been dreading my meeting with her all fucking day, which was pathetic. Betsy and I had met after everyone else left the office once a month to talk about staffing issues with no one around. It was something we’d always done which I felt was smart and wanted to continue, but with Anya, I hated it and continuously found ways to avoid it. My luck was up and I had no choice but to put on my game face. Steeling myself for the coming hour, I crossed the room and took a seat at my desk.

For once Anya didn’t watch my every move. This was because she was busy watching the rain as it came down in sheets and beat against the windows. It had been dark and cloudy all day, which was something I actually enjoyed. My office took up the front of a magnificently converted brownstone in one of the most sought-after areas in the city, and the view from my windows was always a highlight. I loved to sit at my desk and watch the as the clouds swirled and the lightning crashed as people ran down the sidewalk to get out of the rain. Sometimes it was even a little bit frightening—but I liked it. Anya, on the other hand, did not look thrilled.

“It’s just a spring storm,” I assured her.

She nodded, biting her lip as she turned away from the windows. Fuck, I hated when she bit that goddamn lip because without fail it made my dick hard. It didn’t matter where we were or what we were doing—if she bit or licked her lips, I was ready to fuck. I was sure the term dick sucking lips had been invented about Miss Sims.

Clearing my throat gruffly, I pulled out one of my legal pads and uncapped the Montblanc fountain pen my grandparents gave me when I passed the bar exam.

“Let’s talk about Hayforth,” I said, referencing one of the junior associates. “I noticed the highlighting you did on the updated spreadsheet. She’s billing almost double the hours of the two people closest to her in rank. I’m assuming the highlight was to bring this to my attention.”

Anya nodded. “It was.”

“Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“At the very least she should be given a bonus, but with her billable hours and rate of return business combined with her overwhelmingly positive referrals I think you’d be crazy not to fast track her for junior partner.”

I jotted down some notes on my legal pad. “I need you to get me some numbers. How long Cuomo and Miller had been here when each was made a junior partner?”

I should’ve known she’d already had that information at hand. Like I said— based on her job performance I was never going to have a substantial reason to fire her. We spent the next few minutes going over the details. It wasn’t a surprise that I agreed with her assessment, and I told her to have a package put together that I could take to Hayforth when I offered her the promotion.