Page 49 of Rode Hard



I heard a vehicle approach, a car door slam, and running footsteps before Kyle screamed out my name and burst into the barn. He stood for a moment, noting the bundle in my arms, and searching my face before asking the question I knew would be his first.

“Were you in time?” He moved slowly to where I stood.

I had Wendy swaddled in the blanket, her face hidden from Kyle’s sight. “She’s alive. They didn’t rape her, but she’s covered in bite marks, small cuts and bruises, and both eyes are blackened.” When I eased the blanket back to reveal her bruised and beaten face, Kyle burst into tears and held out his arms.

I gently handed Wendy into his arms and he peppered her face with kisses. I felt no jealousy at their closeness, I knew their love was that of a brother and sister. They had never been lovers, and there was absolutely no sexual attraction between the two.

Kyle spoke softly as he rocked Wendy in his arms. I saw the moment she noticed who held her and realised that she was safe. Her arms flew around Kyle’s neck and she wept like I’d never seen a person weep before. I rubbed one hand over Kyle’s back and the other over Wendy’s hair. We soothed her the best we could, assuring it was all over and she’d never be hurt by her brothers and father again.

We were relieved when she eventually quieted, looked up at both of us and whispered, thank you. Kyle kissed her gently.

“We’re staying at a motel owned by your friend’s parents. Her name is Serina and she said she knew you at school. She told us what had happened before and offered to help. We don’t need to go back home until you’re ready, honey.”

Wendy reached out and grabbed my arm. It was obvious she had something to tell me, her voice was husky and hoarse, so I leaned closer so I could hear her.

“Luke. The man who grabbed me, they murdered him. The fire pit behind the barn.”

I squeezed her arm. “I’ll take care of it, honey.” I turned to Kyle. “Can you take Wendy to the truck while I make a few calls and post police to keep an eye on things?”

Kyle nodded, leaned forward and kissed me before whispering his thanks. It wasn’t necessary. In the short time I’d know Wendy, I’d developed a deep affection for her and would have done anything to help. I watched as Kyle strode across the clearing to the truck, fished the phone from my pocket, and began making calls.



My heart broke for the terror Wendy had been through, and I prayed that with mine and Luke’s help, she’d eventually find a way through the trauma. I was going to insist she have professional counselling and time off to reflect on what had happened. Luke and I would be there to support her through it all. When I reached Luke’s truck, opened the rear door, and attempted to lay her down on the back seat, Wendy tightened her grip around my neck.

“Please, Kyle, don’t let me go. Please hold me.”

I kissed her bruised and swollen forehead. “Of course, honey.”

I levered myself onto the back seat and held her close on my lap. Her head rested on my chest. Within moments, she dropped into an exhausted sleep. I rested my head back against the seat, and had almost drifted off when I heard the door of the truck open. Luke slid behind the wheel and turned to face us.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, she didn’t want me to let her go.”

Luke nodded his understanding, turned back and started the engine. I pulled the seatbelt across both Wendy and myself, not caring that having her on my lap in a moving vehicle was illegal. Luke didn’t say a word, realizing it was what our lady needed right now. He eased the car onto the road and stated we should first go to the hospital where photos could be taken and a rape kit done.

Wendy screamed out, no. She was shaking and crying hysterically. My decision was made. If it became necessary, I’d take her to see Dr. Jameson when we returned home. Hopefully, Serina would have antiseptic cream for the bites and cuts which would prevent infection, clothes Wendy could borrow.


Luke pulled the truck into our allotted parking space at the motel, climbed out, rounded the vehicle and opened my door. I handed Wendy into his outstretched arms. She didn’t protest, and I watched fondly as she snuggled against his thick chest. It warmed my heart to know she didn’t feel threatened and saw him as a friend.

I stepped from the car. “Will you take her in, please? I’ll go and find Serina, she should have a first aid kit we can use. I’ll borrow some clothes for Wendy also.”