Page 50 of Rode Hard

“Of course, I can.” Luke held out one hand and I dropped the room key into his palm.

We kissed gently before he turned toward our room. I watched while he unlocked the door and entered, before heading to the reception area.

I pushed through the heavy door and found Serina behind the desk discussing something with a woman I assumed was her mother. The resemblance between the two was obvious.

“Kyle!” Serina flew around the desk and stood before me, gripping my arm.

“Luke reached her in time. She’s pretty beaten up, but Cyril was stopped before he could rape her.”

“Thank, God!” The older woman exclaimed.

“Oh, Kyle, this is my mum, Marjorie. Mum, this is one of Nat’s friends I was telling you about.”

Marjorie extended her hand and I shook. “I wish we could have met under better circumstances, Kyle.”

“As do I, Mrs……”

“Marjorie, love. What can we do to help?”

“I was hoping you’d have a first aid kit, antiseptic cream, and clothes you could loan Wendy. She was naked when Luke found her and we didn’t bother going into the house to look for any.”

“Shouldn’t she go to the hospital?” Serena asked.

“When we suggested taking her she became hysterical and she’s been through enough. We have a female doc in Clearlea she sees so we’ll take her there when she’s ready.

Marjorie bent down, rummaged under the desk and placed a large box with a red cross on the lid in front of me. “We keep it well stocked and the cream is inside.”

“Thank you.” I lifted it from the desk.

“I’ll grab a nightdress, underwear, pair of track pants and a t-shirt. Nat’s always been the same size as me, and I can’t imagine that’s changed, so they should fit.” Serina turned away to go in search of what was needed.

“I’ll ask dad to look after the desk. Mum, will you help me give her a bath? I have a feeling she’d welcome one.”

“Of course, I will. I’ll go with Kyle while you get your father and the clothes. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that girl and I suspect she could do with a motherly hug right about now.”

I agreed with the older woman. “She certainly could, Marjorie.”

We left the office and headed to the room together.


Luke was seated on the side of the bed, Wendy on his lap when we entered the room. His hand moved over her back and he spoke soothingly to her. I couldn’t quite hear what he was saying, but she appeared at peace, cradled in his arms with her head on his chest.

My man was a natural comforter. I could picture him as a father to the kids we would have some day.

I guess having taken a beating at the hands of his father, and being rejected by his family, he understood some of how Wendy was feeling.

Marjorie and I approached quietly so as not to startle our lady. Marjorie crouched down and placed a hand against Wendy’s back. She quietly introduced herself to Luke before speaking.


Wendy pushed closer into Luke and I saw the terror in her eyes when she looked up at me. Her former name had to go, it evoked far too many bad memories.

I placed my hand on Marjorie’s arm and murmured. “She prefers to be called, Wendy.”

“Wendy, it’s Marjorie Collins, Serina’s mum.”

Wendy lifted her head and gazed at the woman, but when the door opened again, she retreated back against Luke’s chest. I held her hand reassuringly, and as Serina approached, I explained.

“Wendy, Serina’s here. She’s brought you some clothes. The ladies are going to help you have a bath and get your wounds cleaned up. It will help you feel a little better.”

Wendy lifted her head and gave her friend a watery smile. “Déjà vu. I’m called Wendy now.”

Serina burst forward and wrapped her arms around her injured friend. They spent the next few minutes crying in each other’s arms.

“I missed you so much,” Serina cried.

“I missed you too.”

Serina glanced at first me, then Luke. “Thank you for saving her.” She then took Wendy’s face in her hands. “It’s not déjà vu, this time you have wonderful friends who’ll make the arseholes pay.”

The girls burst into tears again while Marjorie, Luke and I sat quietly, giving them the time they needed.

When Wendy raised her head, wiped at her tears, and announced she’d like a bath and a plate full of chicken, we all chuckled.

While the ladies set about helping our lady, Luke and I took a trip into town for the requested food.


Three Weeks Later


We had stayed at the motel for two days before we were satisfied Wendy was well enough to make the trip home. Serina had spent the nights, lying in bed with Wendy in her arms, and had accompanied us back to the station to help her friend while she recovered. They had a lot to catch up on having been apart for the past fifteen years. She was a deeply caring woman and her affection for Wendy was obvious. Luke and I had both come to like her and also now considered her a friend.