Page 48 of Rode Hard

The plan was for us to approach the property through a heavily wooded section which would shield us from sight until the last possible moments. We would exit the cover about fifty meters from our objective—the barn.

We moved through the trees quietly, a guerilla leader would have been proud of our stealth. When we reached the area where the trees thinned, dwellings became visible. I indicated for the officers to check their immediate areas.

“Clear,” was whispered from down the line and I gave the signal to move. Everyone took off at a sprint.

Renée, Gary, and I were like bullets fired from a gun, we could have qualified for the Olympics at the speed we raced across the open clearing toward the barn. I flattened myself against the door while the other two took up positions beside me.

I heard male laughter but no sounds which could be from Wendy. My blood chilled and I prayed she was okay. I poked my head around the edge of the opening and what I witnessed had bile rising into my throat. My first instinct was to barge inside, but as a cop, I knew I needed to assess the situation.

Wendy was laid out on the ground, naked, spread-eagled. Two of her brothers were biting down hard enough on her breasts to draw blood. Her mouth was gagged, but I could see she was screaming in agony. Tears poured from her eyes as she struggled to get free, they had her bound to four stakes in the ground. The other two brothers stood laughing. Kyle would have blasted their heads from their shoulders had he witnessed the horrifying scene.

A shorter, heavy set man with a bare flabby arse stood between her legs. His back was to me so I was unable to see exactly what he was doing. I assumed this man was the one Serina had spoken about—Cyril. From the way his arms moved, and fat wobbled, I guessed he was jerking himself in readiness to rape Wendy. It wasn’t going to happen, not to the woman I considered my friend, and not on my watch.

I turned back to my colleagues and indicated I was ready to move in. When I stepped into the barn, Renée and Gary took up their positions by my sides.

When they heard the distinctive sounds of our weapons being cocked, the brothers spun toward us and froze.

“Police. Stay where you are. Hands in the air.”

Their arms shot into the air. Cyril, who seemed totally oblivious to our being there, lowered to his knees and lined himself up at Wendy’s opening.

I stepped forward and placed the business end of my rifle against the back of his head. That got his attention. He sat back on his haunches and raised his hands. I wished he hadn’t, I would have taken great pleasure in splattering his brains all over the walls.

Keeping the rifle hard against his head, I moved until I was in front of him and glanced down. “Don’t even think about sticking that pathetic excuse for a cock where it’s not wanted.” I paused, and watched him trembling, a typical fucking coward. “No, actually maybe you should give it a try, I’d love nothing more than to shoot it off.”

“Please, officer. I was only doing what she wanted me to.”

His statement was a like a red rag to a bull. I wanted so badly to beat the fucking shit out of him, but I knew that wouldn’t do anyone any good in the long run, and could end up affecting the charges against him.

While I kept my gun in place, Renée placed assisted Gary in cuffing the brothers. They were led outside to police who were waiting to take over custody. They called in the wagon from the rendezvous area, those police had instructions to bring Kyle down with them. As soon as Renée and Gary returned, I got on with the task of getting Cyril out of my sight.

“Stand up, nice and slow. Hands behind your head.”

Damn, I couldn’t catch a break, the arsehole did exactly as I ordered.

“Can I pull up my pants?”


Another officer entered the barn and informed me the area was secure and the father was in custody.

“Cuff him, get him out of my sight,” I barked out.

Gary did as I asked and it was almost comical watching the arsehole shuffle and stumble from the barn, his two-inch dick now soft and flapping in the breeze for all to see.

The minute they were gone, I rushed to Wendy’s side, dropped to my knees, unfastened her bindings, and removed the filthy gag from her mouth. Her eyes were open. Staring. Unblinking. She’d gone into shock.

A horse blanket lay nearby, so I wrapped her naked body, lifted her into my arms and held her close against my chest. She didn’t make a sound and I was scared to death for her. I’d seen victims slip into a shock so deep, they never recovered. I rocked her in my arms while I waited for Kyle. Tears ran down my cheeks and dripped from the end of my chin. I was too close to this case. Kyle would be broken-hearted if Wendy didn’t come through this trauma.