She was instantly wrapped in Willow’s arms and quickly guided up the steps, Thaw keeping close to her side, and hurried into the keep. She was relieved when Willow took her to the bedchamber she had left only two or was it three days ago.

“It’s all right,” Willow soothed. “You’re here with me now. You have nothing to fear.”

Snow couldn’t stop her tears. She remained in her sister’s arms and let them fall. She was grateful Willow didn’t question her. She simply held onto her and let her cry. She hadn’t cried like that since her parents died, and she wondered what was wrong with her.

Finally, Snow’s tears slowed and she eased out of her sister’s arms.

“Are you in pain, Snow?” Willow asked.

It was a pain she couldn’t explain and didn’t understand. “I don’t know.”

Willow took her hand. “James sent word ahead that you were coming here and what had happened, including Finn’s death. We can talk about all that over a hot brew, but first I should see to your wound.?”

“That would be good,” Snow said, feeling tears creeping up on her again.

It didn’t take long for Willow to let her know that her wound did well and would heal if she rested and didn’t do anything too strenuous.

It wasn’t long after that Willow had Snow in a nightdress and tucked in bed, Thaw curled up asleep beside her. “You will stay with me and Slatter until I deem you fit enough to return home. Unless, of course, you wish to reconsider my offer and remain here with Slatter and me. We both would love to have you live with us.”

Snow reached for her sister’s hand, Willow having sat beside her on the bed. “I appreciate it, but I think it best I stay at Macardle keep.”

“If you change your mind, you are welcome here any time,” Willow assured her. “Now tell me what brings so many tears to your eyes.”

Snow shook her head. “I don’t know. I suppose it’s everything. The ordeal of getting lost in the snowstorm, Finn being killed, having to stay with Tarass.”

It wasn’t lost on Willow that her sister didn’t address Lord Tarass accordingly.

“Was he insufferable as usual?” Willow asked.

“He rescued me. He put his own life in danger to rescue me and he saw me kept safe,” Snow said, not realizing she was shaking her head as if she was just comprehending what he had done. “Thaw even made some peace with him.”

Snow was thinking of how Thaw went to Tarass for help when she suffered a nightmare and she wondered what she would do if her nightmare returned, not having Tarass there to soothe her. But she didn’t say any of that to her sister.

“So he treated you well?” Willow asked.

“He did,” Snow said without hesitation and rubbed at the bump in the back of her head. “He even wrapped himself around me as I fell down the keep steps, saving me from suffering far worse than a bump to my head.”

“Who would have thought the Lord of Fire could be chivalrous,” Willow said.

“Maddening as well,” Snow said, but with a laugh and recalled the times he had ordered her about. Her smile was wiped away by a yawn.

“Your body tells you it is time to rest and heal,” Willow said and stood to help her sister stretch out beneath the blankets. “Nap and we will talk again later. You are safe now.”

Snow whispered as she snuggled under the blanket. “I was safe with Tarass.”

Willow closed the door quietly behind her and went in search of her husband. She almost bumped into him when she turned a curve on the staircase.

“I was just coming to see how your sister was,” Slatter said, taking his wife in his arms and planting more than a light kiss on her.

“You tempt me,” she accused with a laugh.

“As often as possible,” he said and went to tease her neck with kisses when he saw a disturbed look in her green eyes. “What troubles you?”

Willow was glad her husband knew her so well that he could tell when something troubled her and that he never hesitated to ask her about it.

“Is it your sister?”

Willow sighed. “I never thought it could happen and I feel terrible for her, since it’s impossible. It will never go anywhere.”

“What are you talking about?” Slatter asked, her words making no sense.

Willow couldn’t believe what she was about to say. “I think Snow has fallen in love with the Lord of Fire.”

Chapter 13

Snow sat in her mum’s small solar, snug in the warmth of a shawl, wool hose kept her legs from feeling chilled, and her feet were kept toasty warm from the heat of the flames in the hearth.

It had been two weeks since she had left Tarass’s home and ten days since she had left Willow’s home. She didn’t understand why it had felt different being at Willow’s this time, but it had. As much as she had always found solace being with Willow, this time she hadn’t. More so when Willow had suggested that perhaps she had found herself unwittingly caring, or more bluntly, losing her heart to Lord Tarass.