Snow had laughed and claimed it impossible. She had stopped laughing when Willow pointed out that Snow wept as if she had lost a deep love as she had done when their parents had died. Willow had set the idea in her mind and Snow had wondered if it had been on purpose. Had Willow thought it was something Snow should consider so that in the end she would realize it was something that would never be? Only then would she heal from it?

Leave it to her practical sister to force her to give it thought and that was what she had been doing since her return home. James had been worried that she was spending too much time alone brooding and had assumed it had been the ordeal that had caused it. Then he worried that preparations for his and Eleanor’s wedding, a few months away, contributed to her melancholy.

She had assured him she did well and there was no need for concern. She could tell by the tone of his voice that he hadn’t believed her. But what did it matter, since she was finding it impossible to believe that it was love that was causing such a heavy sadness in her. Had she truly been foolish enough to have fallen in love with a pigheaded man like Tarass? If so, how had it happened? Was that why her heart ached every time she thought about him? And was it why she couldn’t stop thinking about him?

She sighed heavily, as if in doing so it would release the sadness that overwhelmed her. She smiled when she felt Thaw uncurl from the ball he had wrapped himself in near her feet and jump into her lap to lick her face, as if he sensed her melancholy and was offering comfort.

Her arms instinctively went around him and she hugged him tight. She was surprised how much he had grown in the last two weeks, but happy he still fit in her lap, though she feared not for long.

“I am foolish, Thaw,” she said, a tear trickling down her cheek. “We have each other and that is all that matters.”

Thaw licked her cheek, catching her tear and snuggled against her, letting her know he felt the same.

They settled comfortably together in the chair.

“Maybe I should accept Willow’s offer and have us go live with her and Slatter. I may not have bairns of my own to love and enjoy, but I would have Willow and Slatter’s bairns to love and enjoy.”

Thaw barked and Snow assumed he liked the idea.

A knock sounded at the door, Snow had been keeping it closed after entering, making it clear she preferred to be alone.

“It’s Eleanor, Snow. I have a message from your brother.”

Snow bid her to enter.

“Sorry to disturb you when you look so warm and comfortable, but James requests your presence in his solar on an important matter,” Eleanor said.

There was something in Eleanor’s tone that had Snow questioning, “Is there something wrong, Eleanor?”

“I don’t believe so.”

“Yet, you sound doubtful.”

“He is not alone.”

For some reason, hope sprang in Snow. Was it Tarass?

“Who is with him?” Snow asked calmly, though felt anything but calm.

“Lord Polwarth,” Eleanor said.

Snow’s stomach plummeted and she thought herself a fool ten times over for thinking Tarass might miss her.

She forced a smile. “Lord Farrell Polwarth is an old friend of my father’s. He’s probably asked to see me.”

“That must be it,” Eleanor said, joy returning to her tone. “I only caught a snatch of their conversation and my thoughts went wild when an arranged marriage was mentioned, then a short time later I was asked to fetch you. I wrongly assumed that perhaps the marriage had something to do with you. A foolish thought since your brother would never see you sent away.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I refresh myself,” Snow said.

“I can help,” Eleanor offered.

“Not necessary, I’ll do fine.”

Arranged marriage.

The words wouldn’t leave her head as she went to her bedchamber. James would never do that to her… marry her off to a man the age her da would be if he were still alive. He would not marry her off at all since Ruddock, Sorrell’s husband, had granted her and Willow the right to choose their husbands once James had pledged the clan’s loyalty to him.

She had met Lord Polwarth on several occasions throughout the years. He was a man of wealth and prestige. He had married twice and buried both wives, neither having given him any children. She remembered him as a man with fine features, good height and solid build. He lived a good three hour ride from here, and the last she had seen him was at her da’s funeral. So what brought him here now?

Thaw guided her down the stairs and though she hadn’t needed his help, having easily mastered the stairs she had traveled up and down since she was a bairn, she followed his lead. It was good practice for him.