“I could send men to bring Willow here to you,” Tarass said, annoyed she was not only being foolish but stubborn as well.

“That won’t be necessary,” Snow said.

“You’re being pigheaded,” Tarass snapped.

“That right is reserved for you and you alone,” she said with a smile.

“Snow!” James scolded. “Lord Tarass only considers what is best for you.”

“I am capable of considering what is best for me and it is best you take me to Willow.”

“Does she ever listen to reason, James?” Tarass asked, his tongue sharp.

“Far too often,” Snow said and reached out her hand. “Lord Tarass.”

Tarass took her hand, closing his large one firmly around her small one and feeling now that he had hold of her, he wouldn’t let her go. He would make her stay until she was well enough to travel whether she liked it or not.

This would be the last time she would feel his hand wrapped around hers. Why did that thought disturb her? And when had she grown to favor the simple gesture? She pushed the disconcerting thoughts away.

“I appreciate all you have done for me, Lord Tarass. You have been most kind and hospitable, and I am ever so grateful. However, it is time for me to take my leave. My heartfelt thanks for all you’ve done for me.” Tears were close to filling her eyes and she slipped her hand out of his, having to give a little tug since he didn’t easily let go. She quickly turned her head. “James, we should leave now.”

“A good idea, since it will take us longer than usual to reach Willow’s home,” James said.

Snow was grateful her brother agreed, since she needed to leave before the sadness that was rapidly growing in her caused her to spill tears. She didn’t understand it and she needed to be away from here to make sense of it.

“I’ll send a troop of my warriors with you,” Tarass said.

Tarass’s commanding tone left no room for James to object.

“That is generous of you, Lord Tarass,” James said.

Tarass took Snow’s arm to walk down the stairs and she didn’t resist. She didn’t want to. She wanted to feel his protective touch once more before they said good-bye. His hand remained on her arm when they reached the bottom of the steps and she wondered… did he not want to let her go?

His hand drifted off her and she silently admonished herself for such a foolish thought.

“Nettle,” she said, reaching out her hand in search of the young woman.

“Right here,” Nettle said, taking her hand.

Snow pulled her into a hug and whispered, “I will miss you so much.”

Nettle sniffed back tears. “And I you. Life was so good with you here.”

They hugged and Nettle stepped away.

“I’ve come to say good-bye.”

“Twilla,” Snow said, recognizing her voice.

Twilla wrapped Snow in a hug and whispered, “You’ll be back.”

Her words stunned Snow. There would be no reason for her to return here.

“Take care,” Twilla said for everyone to hear.

Snow felt a large presence in front of her and she knew instinctively who it was.

“I would tell you to be good, but I don’t think that’s possible,” Tarass said, keeping his voice low. “Take care and stay well.”

His hands were suddenly at her waist and he lifted her onto a horse, and then he was gone.

Snow held onto her tears until she was sure she was well away from the village. Thaw sat on her lap and licked the tears as soon as they began to fall.

“Snow, what is it? Are you in pain? Shall we turn back?” James asked, his voice frantic with worry.

“No, I’m just glad I’m going to see my sister,” Snow said, using Willow as an excuse, since she wasn’t certain why sadness gripped her heart so strongly.

“If you don’t feel well, you’ll let me know and we’ll stop and rest,” James said.

Snow smiled, though tears ran down her cheeks. “I’m blessed to have you as a brother, James.”

“I am glad you feel that way, since I’m beyond happy to have three wonderful sisters,” he said.

They rode in silence for a bit when Snow suddenly asked. “What of Finn?”

“Worry not, Lord Tarass said he’d keep him until the weather permitted a proper burial.”

“I cannot understand why anyone would want to hurt him,” Snow said.

“Don’t worry about that. Lord Tarass and I talked and we’ll get to the bottom of Finn’s unfortunate demise.”

Snow was silent the remainder of the trip, James having asked her repeatedly if she needed to rest. Though, she could have done with a rest, Snow wanted to get to her sister. She needed Willow and it wasn’t her wound she needed her for.

They arrived mid-morning and Snow fought to keep her tears contained, but as soon as she was taken off the horse and she heard Willow’s voice, she burst into tears and stretched her arms out.