“I’m not admitting anything,” she says, a little defensively.

“Besides the fact that you want me, you


“I do not want you, Brody. The sooner you get that through your thick skull, the better.”

I waggle my eyebrows. “You know what else is thick?”

She shoots me a side glare. “I’m done with this conversation.”

“You keep telling yourself that, honey.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


Ugh, this man is infuriating. I swear he’s made it his life’s mission to piss me off on the regular. I’m used to the fact that he can somehow make every word in the English language sound dirty. I can even excuse the fact that he will not stop coming on to me. It’s become our thing over the four years that I’ve known him—he makes a pass at me, I reject said pass. But at a child’s birthday party? Come on, now.

“Hey, Rainey, you want some?” Drew interrupts my internal rant as he holds a plate of cake in front of my face.

Before I can answer, Brody speaks up. “No, man, Rainey here is watching her figure. No cake for her.”

“Whatever, more for me,” Drew says and shrugs as he walks away.

“Why did you do that?” I smack his arm. “I’ve been dying for a piece since I picked it up from the bakery.”

“The kid spat all over it while he was blowing out the candles,” he answers. “I was saving you.”

“Oh, my God, I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”

“It really was,” he argues. “Although, if you’re looking to consume some bodily fluids, I’d be happy to share some of mine.”

“You’re an idiot,” I mutter as I push him aside.

I make my way across the room to my favorite little boy in the whole world. When Nathan sees me, his big brown eyes light up.

“Aunt Wainey! It’s my birfday!”

I scoop him into a big hug. “It sure is, little man. How old are you now?”

After a bit of a struggle, he proudly holds up four fingers. “I’m f-wo!”

“Four?” I repeat. “Oh, my goodness. Before you know it, you’ll be going off to college.”

He has no idea what that means but he giggles anyway, showcasing his dimples.

“Did you bring me a pwesent?”

“Nathan!” Devyn scolds. “You’re not supposed to ask for presents. Remember, buddy?”

“I sorry, Mommy,” he says.

I ruffle his blonde hair. “You know what, big boy? I did bring you a present. But you’re going to have to wait until everyone finishes their cake and it’s time to open them. Do you think you can do that for me?”

“Okay,” Nate agrees with a pout.

“Damn! Shit! FUCK!” Drew shouts.