I open the door further. “Your time’s up, Adam. I’m done listening to your bullshit. I’ve been listening to your bullshit for years! You’re clearly not getting it, and I’m done trying to make you see how fucked up this is.”

He stands to his full height. “I’m not leaving. We’re not done.”

“Get. The. Fuck. Out,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Rainey, don’t be like this.”

“Fuck you, Adam!” I scream, unable to hold back my anger any longer. My neighbors are probably going to call the cops, but I couldn’t care less right now. “Get the hell out of my house and never contact me again! If you try going after Brody, I will make sure your wife knows every dirty detail of your affair so she can sue you for every penny you’re worth. If you see me at the hospital, you’d better turn the fuck around or I swear to God, I will cut your balls off and shove them down your throat!”

He blanches and steps over the threshold, but not quite enough for me to slam the door in his face. “Okay, I get it. You need time to cool down. Don’t worry about the ring—I’ll get you a new one. We can resume this conversation later.”

Does he honestly think I give a fuck about the ring?

“I meant what I said. You’re not the only one who knows how to use a scalpel. Try me, Adam. Just fucking try me.”

Adam instinctively takes a step back, enough for me to shut the door. I don’t bother waiting to see if he says anything else. I turn the deadbolt and head straight to bed. Hopefully when I wake up, I’ll forget the last three years of my life ever happened.

Chapter Twenty-Four

A Few Months Ago


“Happy Birthday, dear Nathan. Happy Birthday to you.”

As our collective group finishes singing, little Nate attempts to blow out the candles on his cake. I make a mental note to refuse a piece when I see his spittle flying everywhere.

“Good job, sweetie!” Devyn praises.

You’re probably wondering how I got roped into attending a four-year-old’s birthday party. The answer to that is two-fold: one, Uncle Drew would kick my ass if I didn’t show. The second reason is standing right next to me, smelling like fucking peaches, which my dick really seems to like.

“Mommy, I did it! Im’a big boy!” Nathan says with a fist pump.

Okay, my presence may have a little to do with the fact that this kid is fucking adorable.

I lean into my neighbor’s ear so only she can hear me. “So, Rainey. Do you want to duck out of here and get naked?

She swats me away and whispers, “Shut up! Nobody is getting naked!”

“Tell me, how many times did you make yourself come last night while thinking about me?” I prod. “Feel free to give me the recap in explicit detail.”

Rainey digs her nails into my forearm and yanks me to the back of the small crowd. “First of all, you’re a pig. This is probably the least appropriate conversation to have at a toddler’s birthday party.”

I match her whisper when I ask, “And second of all?”

I don’t know why I always goad her. Other than the fact that angry Rainey is wicked hot, that is.

She rolls her eyes. “And second of all, what I do in the privacy of my bedroom is none of your business.”

“What about what happens between you and me in the bedroom?”

“Nothing will ever happen between you and me in the bedroom.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” I counter. “You know chemistry has never been a problem for us and you’re bound to get sick of your battery-operated boyfriend one of these days. And when that happens, I’d be more than happy to take care of you.”

“You’re ridiculous,” she scoffs. “For your information, it keeps me plenty satisfied.”

I smirk. “So, you admit that no one is warming your bed these days?”