“DREW!” Devyn cries.

“Fwuck!” Nathan repeats with a giggle.

She breaks out her mom voice and points to the kitchen. “Four bucks in the jar. RIGHT NOW!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Drew mutters. “Can’t a guy stub his fucking toe around here without being taxed?”

Devyn glares at her brother. “Five bucks!”

After Devyn ensures that Drew has paid his dues, she walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. “Lorraine, you’re a lifesaver. Thank you so much for stopping by the bakery on the way over. When Jackson called saying he couldn’t do it, I was scrambling. I wouldn’t have had time before the party started.”

“You know I always have your back, Dev. Is everything okay with him?”

Jackson is the man that Devyn’s been seeing for quite a while now. He’s a bit on the boring side if you ask me, but he treats her well, so I let it slide. It was good to see her finally moving on from Nathan’s father.

“Yeah, he’ll be fine. Some emergency at work. He was really bummed he couldn’t be at Nate’s party, but I guess these things happen during tax season.”

Did I mention Jackson’s an accountant? Bor-ing.

“Hey, speaking of work...you know I’d hate to cut out before the party’s over but they’re at capacity with laboring ladies and my boss asked if I could come in early.”

“Oh, of course,” she says. “Do what you have to do.”

I pull her into a quick hug before making my exit. “Take care of that birthday boy, Mama. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Okay, Lorraine. Thanks again.”

Brody catches my eye as I open the door. “Have a good night at work, princess. We’ll continue our discussion later.”

I narrow my eyes. “Whatever.”

His boisterous laughter carries out into the hall as I make my way to the elevator. See what I mean? Infuriating.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Present Day


I’m sitting in my office where I’m supposed to be reviewing the latest schematics on a new jet we’re launching. I was lucky enough to get hired on at one of the largest airplane manufacturers in the world almost immediately after receiving my master’s degree. Commercial, military, and corporate jets are our specialty, but you’ll find me in the freighter department. With the increasing demand from online retailers with lightning fast delivery windows, the forecast for cargo fleet demand has skyrocketed. I’d like to think that my irresistible charm and brains got me the job so fast after graduation but it’s more of a supply and demand thing. I’m one of the lower men on the totem pole around here but I’m doing what I’ve always dreamed of for a living, so I can’t complain.

Instead of reviewing the specs for the new cargo handling system, I find myself scrolling through my spank bank, filled with fantasies of my favorite ginger. I groan as I adjust myself through my slacks. I can’t believe that after all these years, that woman still makes me hard as a rock with a simple thought.

You’re probably thinking it’s the thrill of the chase, but I’d beg to differ. You’d have to be actually chasing for that to happen, and I haven’t done that in years. Yes, I hit on her regularly, but I’m never really serious about it—I do it because she makes it so much fun. If you had to put a name to my current position, I suppose you could say I’m biding my time. I’ve never been known for my patience, but it’s different with Rainey.

After she found out about Dr. Dickface’s duplicity last year, she’s closed herself off from the possibility of forming another relationship. I know that won’t last forever, but I also know that she needs to come to that conclusion on her own. In the meantime, I just go with the flow—I work, I play, and yes, I still date. Unlike Rainey, I’m not closing myself off to being serious with someone—as my mother likes to remind me, I’m not getting any younger—but no other woman has been able to hold my interest like she has. Trust me, I’ve tried finding one that does.

My cell phone rings, interrupting my musings. I smile when I see my buddy Riley’s name on the caller ID.

I press the answer button. “Well, this is a nice surprise, Sugartits.”

He laughs. “Hey, man. How are things on the West Coast?”

“Oh, you know, brother, living the dream. How are the Southern Belles treating you?”

I haven’t seen Riley since grad school, but we talk fairly often. As much as adulting will allow anyway. He’s actually one of my closest friends, right up there with Drew. After graduation, Riley moved to Savannah to design private jets while I opted to come back home to Seattle and work in commercial.

He ignores my question and gets straight to the point. “I need a favor, dude.”