He came over twice a week to check on me, every week until I graduated. During college, he made it a point to take me to lunch at least once when I was in town and texted me almost daily. What I didn’t know was, while I was gone, Walter would come over and talk to Mom. They said their conversations were always about me but for a romance to bloom they had to have been doing more than talking. As much as I wish things between Danika and I were different, I’m glad someone got their happily ever after.

“You may kiss the bride.”

People begin to clap and I realize I tuned the whole ceremony out.

I clap my hands as Mom holds up her bouquet, linking arms with Walter before they glide towards the hotel. Cooper and Piper are next. Once they’re halfway down the aisle, I step forward and extend my elbow. Danika links her arm through mine and my breath catches again. I blink away the what-could-have-beens, knowing I’m alone in my thoughts, and try to relish this moment.



I can do this.


I can do this.


That’s been my mantra the last forty-five minutes, ever since making my way down the sandy aisle. I tried my hardest not to look at Logan when he fixed his gaze on me. His gaze that set my skin a blaze and almost made me puke from nervousness.

I chanted it when I had to walk back to the pool deck with Logan as my escort. It’s a wonder I didn’t pass out, my heart was beating so fast. And I chant it now, as the photographer poses us like we’re at prom, him behind me, arms around my waist, for a picture.

A very odd picture considering we’re supposed to be siblings.

I can’t wrap my head around that. Logan is my step-brother. My daughter’s father is her uncle. Talk about some backwoods, hillbilly shit.

“Okay,” the photographer says, the flash of his camera making me see spots. “You guys are done. I just need the bride and groom for a few more shots.”

Logan’s hands fall from my hips. The warm air feels cold against my skin and makes me shiver. The back of my dress is soaked with sweat, but Logan and Cooper are dripping, too. Whoever thought it was a good idea to do an outdoor wedding at one in the afternoon in Florida was an idiot.

Logan pulls the knot of his tie loose and unbuttons the top two butt

ons of his shirt. I can’t imagine being in long sleeves and pants right now. I’m melting in my dress and it’s a flowy chiffon material. “It’s hotter than Hades’ asshole out here.”

Cooper chuckles and claps his hand on Logan’s shoulder. “This ain’t shit, brother.”

“Come on.” Logan reaches my hand and instinctively I let him have it. It’s not until we’ve taken a few steps that I realize his skin is touching mine. Being around these boys again is too familiar. The lines between who we were and who we are now are blurred. I grab the hem of my dress with both hands, using that as the reason I broke free—not that I need one.

We’re hit with a gust of cold air as soon as the ballroom doors slide open and it feels heavenly. Cooper and Logan head straight for the bar. While a drink would be great, I head towards the hors d'oeuvres table. I need a minute to clear my head.

Ryan Tomlinson sneaks up on me and makes me jump. “Are you going to pick one? Or just stand there all day?”

The small white plate in my hand is still empty. I think I zoned out. I look up at him and grin, hoping I haven’t been standing here long. I hold my arms out for an embrace and become swallowed in his hug. “Sheriff Tomlinson.”

“We’re family now. Call me Ryan.” He pulls back and stares at me for a second. “You all right there, kiddo?”

I run my fingers through my hair, pushing the long stands back. I’ve never been good at hiding my emotions. I wear my heart on my sleeve, my face giving away everything I feel, both good and bad. That’s why I lied to Logan all those years ago. Why I hid in my room for a week when I first found out I was pregnant. He would have known the moment that he saw me something was wrong. “Is it okay to say no?”

Ryan grabs a small plastic plate and places a few pigs-in-a-blanket on it. “Today’s an emotional day, but I get the feeling you’re not talking about the wedding.”

“You got me.” I follow him down the horderves line as he fills his plate with food I can’t begin to think about eating.

“He hasn’t been the same since you left, you know.” Ryan turns and leans against the table. We both look at the dance floor, him probably scoping out the single ladies and me watching Logan. “What do you see?”

Everyone I ran away from. The wall around my heart cracking with each crooked smile and gleeful laugh that isn’t directed towards me. “A bunch of people having a good time.”

“You know what I see?” Ryan points his toothpick in the direction of Logan and some chick I’m assuming is a hotel guest. She’s pretty but not his type. “I see a drunk.”