I roll my eyes and cross my arms. The balls of my feet hurt. I shift my weight, silently cursing myself for not wearing my sneakers. They would have fared better in the sand. “Looks to me like everyone is teetering on the edge of being drunk.”

“Nu-uh,” Ryan chews on another snack from his plate. “That kid is one screw up away from losing his badge. The only thing saving his ass is me. The poor boy hasn’t been the same since you left, sweetheart.”

I watch Logan a little more intently. The only time I’ve seen him drunk was the night I picked him up from Dr. Shaffer’s office. He was hopeless, and angry, and lost. This drunk version of Logan is flirtatious, outgoing, and happy. I can’t find the connection between the two.



It’s quarter past three. Lunch was supposed to have been served thirty minutes ago. If Mom doesn’t get here soon, the hotel is going to start this reception without her.

I look over my shoulder and signal the event’s bartender for another whiskey and Coke. When I have my drink in hand, I amble across the room to an empty table. White tablecloths adorn the eight-foot rounds spread throughout the room with a sheer pink overlay. Last night’s shell filled vases have been emptied and refilled with water and floating flowers to match. I shake my head, appalled at how much money Mom wasted in the past forty-eight hours. Piper and Rex had the right idea by eloping in Vegas. If I ever get married—which I doubt will happen—that’s the way to go.

“Mind if I join you?”

A noose tightens around my throat with her words. There are no seating arrangements today. I think Mom did the tables this way because she didn’t know where to place Danika. Force her to sit with her new family and there could be drama. Sit all of us together but her, and you have the same problem. Without a seating chart, Danika can sit where she feels comfortable. I never thought that comfort would be found with me.

“Uh… ” My brain locks up, leaving me to stare blankly at her until it remembers what words are. “Of course.”

“Thanks.” Danika smiles and pulls out the chair next to me. I don’t know why, but I thought sitting with me meant at the table. Not beside me. She’s changed out of the long bridesmaid’s gown Mom picked and into a short royal blue dress that hugs her chest but spills out over her hips.

“You look beautiful.”

Her cheeks flush, making that smile even prettier. I’d forgotten what this side of Danika looked like. We never took pictures together in high school and my memories have become tainted over the years, tinged with bitterness and hate. The stoic expression and bite to her tone I witnessed before was what I expected. I can enact my plan without pain if she’s like that.

But this… the sweet innocence playing on her face mixed with her warm tone; if she keeps this up I may be the one broken after my plan is done.

“Nona slipped this dress in my bag and took out most of what I packed, leaving me no choice but to wear it or that hideous dress your mom picked out.”

I bite my lip and noticeably let my gaze drift across her body. She doesn’t seem to mind, which makes me wonder what Piper earlier. “Nona has good taste.”

Danika smirks. She reaches for my whiskey filled glass and slides it towards her lifting the rim to her red lips but not taking a sip. “Nona wants to remind you of what you missed out on.” She tips the cup and wrinkles the nose when the contents touch her tongue. “Ugh. How do you drink this shit?”

I chuckle and take my tumblr from her dainty fingers and set it back in front of me. “It’s an acquired taste.”

Danika rests one arm on the table, leaning forward, giving me a clear shot of her beautiful breasts. “Logan.”

This has to be a dream. A twisted dream merging reality and fantasy together because never in a million years would Danika come onto me. Not unless she wants something, but I can’t for the life of me figure out what that would be.

“Danika.” I lean forward, testing how close she’ll let me get. Our faces are inches apart, her minty breath skating over my cheeks.

She inches closer, eyes open. Our lips are so close I can almost taste her. “Tonight, can we pretend the past never happened and be two adults who find each other attractive?”

I fight a smile. I don't know what changed from this morning to now, but I’ll take it. I’ll woo the shit out of Danika tonight. Fuck her. Then leave her to wake alone, pining after me the rest of the weekend. If I fuck her right, she’ll remember tonight for the rest of he life and hopefully regret leaving.

“Who says I find you attractive?” I’m teasing and she knows it. Danika is like a bottle of wine, aged to perfection, becoming more desirable with each year that passes.

Her big Bambi eyes stare into mine. She bites her bottom lip. That lip slides from between her teeth, leaving a glistening trail of saliva on it, begging to be licked. “Your hard dick staring up at me through your pants.”



“Sorry I’m late everyone,” Tessa announces as she waltzes into the room, her hair a little less than perfect and her makeup too on point.

I sit back in my seat and cross my legs. My heart pounds in my chest, vibrating my whole body. I was sure Logan would call my bluff, that he’d back down and make a fool of me. After all, he’s supposed to hate me for the way I left. Hell, if the roles were reversed, I’d hate me. I loved Logan with everything I had and, if he abandoned the way I did

him, I’d be destroyed and never want to see him again. Ironically enough, even though I did the leaving, it still destroyed me.