Maybe sleeping with Logan isn’t the worst idea. It’s embarrassing to admit, but the few personal moments I get in life, Logan is the center of my thoughts. Maybe I just need to satisfy the urge, one more time, and then I can be done with him.

“Okay,” I finally agree, bringing my gaze back to Piper. “But how do I get Logan to go along with this?”

She smirks and drapes her arm over my shoulders. “Trust me, this is going to be easier than you think.”



I am a fraud.

More specifically, my life is. A carefully crafted façade to look like I’m living and thriving when, in reality, I’m dead inside. Besides dulling the pain, alcohol makes it easier to pretend that I’m alive. It’s harder to pretend today as I watch Danika effortlessly mingle with Piper and Rex.

My hand shakes, not enough to spill my whiskey, but enough that I don’t like it. I let the amber liquid in my tumbler roll over my lips. It’s rich and earthly and does the trick to take the edge off. I’ve had a lot of time to think since breakfast. Since that word.


I hate that fucking word. But not being friends with Danika is a good thing.

Friends is a death wish.

Friends means friend zone, which, in case anyone is curious, means I can’t get my revenge.

Walter claps his hand on my back as I finish the whiskey in my glass. “Son.”

I turn my head and arch a brow. While I like Walter, him marrying my mom in no way makes him my dad. I have one of those already, and he sucks. Also, the thought of screwing Danika and her being my sister is weird.

He lets out a deep, hearty laugh at my expense. “Too soon?”

I smirk and turn to rest my elbows on the bar top behind me. “Never would be too soon. No offense.”

Walter chuckles again but this time it’s not so blithe. “None taken.” He drops his gaze to my empty cup then meets my eyes again. “Should I be worried? Seeing her again can't be easy.”

“I’m fine.” I’m far from fine, but like I said, I’m a fraud.

He stares at me, waiting for me to add something else to my statement. When I don’t, he sighs. “All right, kiddo. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Will do, sir.” I force a smile which seems to satisfy Walter enough because he leaves. Thank God. He walks down the steps and I glance down at my watch. It’s time.

I stand beside Cooper at the altar. I’m not Walter’s best man, which is fine by me because Mom would never have made Danika her maid of honor. Piper has that title.

A recorded ensemble of violins play from hidden speakers and the one hundred people sitting in the audience twist in their seats. Danika comes down the steps first, holding the hem of her dress in one hand and a sunflower bouquet in the other. Her hair falls in loose waves, blowing in the breeze, and even though I saw her a few minutes ago, she still takes my breath away.

I tried my hardest to move on over the years but Danika is one of a kind. A ray of light in the darkness that had taken over my life. The reason I mended my broken relationship with my family. No one could replace her.

Danika makes it to the front of the altar and lets the hem of her dress fall to the sand. I’m sure Piper is coming down the steps, logically it’s what should be happening, but I can’t bring myself to look away from her. The way the sun reflects off Danika’s skin, she’s positively radiant.

Piper crosses in front of my line of vision and the music changes. There is no flower girl or ring bearer today because Mom only wanted family in the wedding, and none of us have kids yet. So that means the show’s about to begin. Everyone stands as Mom descends the steps. She looks beautiful, but she’s Mom. I expected nothing less. She reaches the altar, hands Piper her bouquet. Everyone sits.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…” The officiant’s voice fades into the background.

I don’t care to listen to what he has to say. I’ve heard the speech, or a version of it, at Piper’s wedding. Instead, I listen to the sound of the waves crashing and focus on Danika. My stomach churns, sending a cold sweat dripping down my neck.

This should have been us.

Danika and I should be getting married. Not our parents. The only reason Walter and Mom became close is because he was worried about me. I was a mess after Danika left, sneaking into his house to sleep in her bed and hug her pillows. I was pathetic. More so, I was a drunk.

Between the alcohol, the court case, and Danika’s unconventional breakup, Walter was worried I was spiraling. In truth, I was. I’m better now, but that’s only because Walter rode my ass the way a father is supposed to, keeping me in line and letting me know when I’ve fucked up.