“You can check on him after the game, but I promise he’s okay,” she assured, urging me to sit down.

I watched his teammates guide him to the bench and I wished desperately that I could be there for him the way he was always there for me.

But I had to wait, and that really fucking sucked.

My eyes flickered for the rest of the game from Cade on the bench to his father in the stands. Even from this distance I could see the hard set of the man’s shoulders. He was pissed. I was terrified that the man was going to inflict even more damage to Cade, both physically and mentally.

When the game ended I had no idea who won, but from the cheers on our side I assumed it was us. I pushed Thea out of my way so I could get to the aisle. I didn’t care if I offended her with my gesture or not. I had to get to Cade. Now.

I glanced behind me and saw his dad racing for the exit as well.

I knew I needed to beat him.

I was able to cut him off and ran for the locker rooms.

I reached the locker room door, ready to burst inside. I slammed my shoulder against it and flinched when it didn’t budge. Fucking locked.

Tears pricked my eyes and I whimpered in desperation.

I looked behind me and saw his dad approaching.

Double fuck.

I stood against the opposite wall of the locker room door and slid down until my butt touched the floor.

His dad stopped, looking from me to the door. He gave no indication of recognizing me. Just looking at him was getting my blood boiling.

“You’re an asshole, you know that, right?” The words bubbled out of my mouth before I could stop them.

“Excuse me?” He stopped pacing and stood in front of me. His hands were shoved into his pockets.

“You heard me,” I sneered. “I know what you do to him.”

“Do to who, sweetheart?” He chuckled, completely unaffected.

“To your son, Cade. Remember him? The son you like to hit? I saw you,” I seethed, standing up once more. With my height I was eye level with him and I refused to cower from his domineering presence. “I saw you hit him, so don’t even deny it,” I spat. “He’s a good guy, which is more than I can say for you,” I looked him up and down. “You’re scum and like to take your anger out on your son. Who does that?”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about.” His face grew red and a squiggly vein on his forehead threatened to burst.

“I’m not stupid, so don’t treat me like I am,” I glared at him.

Anger radiated off of both of us as we stood staring, neither of us willing to back down.

His fists clenched at his sides and I briefly wondered if he might hit me.

We startled apart when the locker room door opened.

“Rae?” Brady asked, taking in the scene in front of him. “Is everything okay?”

“I don’t know,” I answered honestly.

Brady hesitated. “You want to come see him?”

I nodded, brushing past Cade’s dad. Before the door to the locker room closed behind me I caught it with my hand. I turned back around and spoke calmly but with authority. “Watch what you say to him, I mean it. I won’t watch you tear him apart.” He didn’t say a word, just stood there. I pushed the door open wider. “Are you coming?”

He finally cracked a smile…a small one, and not very nice, but a smile nonetheless. “Am I allowed or will you yell at me for that too?”

I rolled my eyes. God, this man was a piece of work.