I turned around and let the door swing closed. It locked behind me, barring Cade’s dad from entering the locker room.

Brady stopped me, his eyes wide. “What the hell was that about? Did you get into it with Malcolm?”

“We were having a discussion.” I straightened my clothes. Brady looked at me like he didn’t believe me. “Honestly,” I added.

“Mhmm,” he hummed, not believing me at all. “He’s this way.” He turned down a different hall and pointed to a room. “You can go on in.”

I pushed the door open and found Cade sitting on a padded bench like you’d find in a doctor’s office. He had already changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. His pants were rolled up exposing his right knee. A doctor gently probed the area and Cade didn’t flinch so I hoped that was a good sign.

“Hey,” I whispered, and he looked up at me.

He smiled beautifully, like I lit up his whole world. He reached his hand out for me and I stepped closer.

“How bad is it?” I asked, and I wasn’t sure if I was addressing him or the doctor.

“Not too bad,” the doctor answered. “There’s some swelling and it will bruise, but I don’t think anything was torn. It’s going to require rest and elevation to help with the swelling. Don’t overdo it, I mean it,” he warned Cade. He turned to the freezer in the small room and grabbed an icepack. “Sit tight for a little bit,” he directed. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Cade sighed and rested his head against the wall, the icepack on his knee.

“Come here,” he patted the empty space beside him.

I hopped up, afraid to get too close in case I caused him more harm.

“Closer,” he growled, wrapping his arm around my waist and drawing me fully against him. “I’m not going to break if you breathe on me.”

I laughed, leaning my head on his shoulder. “You scared me.”

“I did?” He seemed surprised.

“Yeah,” I whispered, and tears started to fall.

Seeing Cade injured on the field had reminded me of the helplessness I’d felt seeing my friends dead in the car. When you love someone, and I knew I loved Cade, it was terrifying to see them hurt. You want nothing more than to take their pain away.

“Don’t cry, Sunshine.” He reached over and swiped my tears away.

“I can’t help it.”

He pressed his lips against my forehead and my eyes closed. “I’m okay.”

“But it could’ve been worse.” My voice shook with emotion.

“But it wasn’t,” he countered, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

I looked up at him, staring into his kind blue eyes. In five months this man had become my friend, my boyfriend, and so much more. He saved me.

“I love you.”

His eyes widened and his mouth parted, like he didn’t quite believe I’d said it.

I wasn’t ashamed for having admitted my feelings. Instead, I felt stronger. Love didn’t make you weak, it gave you strength and a purpose, so when you found it, it was only proper that you shout it from the rooftops.

“Love is a very powerful word,” he whispered, cupping my cheek. He brushed his nose against mine. His hair tickled my forehead and his lips were dangerously close. If I was a braver person I would grab his face and kiss him until we begged for oxygen. Instead, I was still slightly terrified of his rejection.

“I know, that’s why I used it, because what I feel for you is a very powerful thing.” My hands began to shake and I was tempted to runaway. But I held my breath and stayed, waiting to hear his reply.

He grinned, pressing his forehead against mine. “I love you too, Sunshine.”

I gasped, but he silenced the noise with his lips. He tilted my head back, his tongue finding mine.