“Fuck,” Nova groaned.

My thoughts exactly.


When halftime came and the players left the field I couldn’t help watching Cade’s dad leave his seat and I wondered if he was going in search of his son.

Despite the thrill of the game and the packed bodies I was still freezing in the December air. Even though I wore gloves my fingers were frozen. I tried to wiggle them but they wouldn’t move. I wished I had a hot cup of coffee to hold. Yeah, coffee would be fantastic right about now. Or a small fire.

“I’ll be right back,” Thea told us, standing and going to talk to some girls she knew.

Blowing warm air into her hands Nova looked at me. “I think I picked the wrong game to come to. I’m so cold.”

“We should’ve brought blankets,” I agreed, and we huddled closer together like penguins.

Halftime passed quickly and Thea joined us once more.

The score was so close that I feared we might actually lose this game.

“You see that guy there by my dad?” Thea tapped my shoulder and pointed.

“Yeah,” I nodded, squinting my eyes so I could see the man more clearly.

“He’s a scout.” She clapped giddily, her cheeks flushing.

“Like for the NFL?” I clarified. I was clueless when it came to this kind of stuff.

“Yes,” she cheered. “Isn’t it exciting? Cade could be on a professional team next year!”

I frowned, and didn’t comment. I knew that was the last thing Cade wanted, but Thea clearly didn’t know that. It made me worried that Cade might pursue that path just to please his family. It wasn’t something we’d discussed in depth. I knew he didn’t want to be a part o

f the NFL, but he’d never told me if he knew for sure he wasn’t pursuing it.

Thea seemed to sense my change in mood and left me alone—although she still cheered obnoxiously loud. The girl put the cheer team to shame.

“Are you okay?” Nova asked.

I opened my mouth to answer her, but gasped instead.

Cade went down, his knee slamming into the ground. He rolled over clutching his leg.

“Oh my God!” I gasped, my hand flying to my mouth. “Cade!” I cried, trying to push by Thea to reach him—like as if they’d actually let me onto the field. “Cade! I have to get to Cade!” I pleaded with Thea when she grasped my shoulders.

Panic swarmed through my body at seeing him lying on the field. I wanted to get down there and do something. I needed to help him—even if it was just to hold his hand.

“Rae, he’s okay, see?” She pointed to the field where a teammate was pulling him up. He was walking with a limp, but appeared to be shaking off the injury.

“Oh, thank God,” I breathed, hugging her.

My moment of panic began to fade. I’d clearly over reacted, but the thought of Cade being seriously hurt had been crushing, and it was within that moment that I finally grasped the depths of my feelings for Cade and the truth my dream had been trying to reveal to me.

I was in love with Cade Montgomery

Not the kind of puppy love of someone infatuated.

This was true, deep, irrevocable love.

I knew it was probably too soon to feel that way, but these things couldn’t really be controlled. When something is meant to be it’s unstoppable.