“There’s absolutely undeniable proof that he was the drug cartel’s moneyman, guys. Your sheriff friend and that Austin fellow are going to have plenty of evidence to sift through that might lead them to Delgado’s whereabouts.”

Aaron asked, “Anything else to report, Sam?”

Kyle took a deep breath, getting that familiar feeling that told him something was off.

“The team did some digging on Stephanie’s ex, like you asked us to do. His name is Calvin Biggs. Not sure if this is important or not, but we have some security tape from the Dallas concert that has him standing next to Miss Gaynor’s promoter, Sharon Thompson.”

Jumping to his feet, Kyle grabbed Gya’s note. “Fuck. Aaron, Gya went to see her this morning at Stephanie’s hotel.”

His brother stood and holstered his gun. “Sam, call Sheriff Champion and Austin Wilde. Tell them what you told us and that Sharon Thompson is in town. Have them meet us at the Hotel Cactus.”

“Yes, sir.”

The call ended.

They ran out the door.

Please let us find Gya safe.

* * * *

Gya’s heart was pounding hard in her chest. “Sharon, I don’t understand any of this.”

“Of course you don’t. You’re a complete idiot who crushes people’s lives. I’d kill you right now, but Calvin wants to be the one to make you pay.”

“Calvin? Stephanie’s ex?” The memory of the night he pinned her to the bed with whiskey on his breath came crashing to the forefront. “What does he have to do with this?”

“You’re about to find out, Gya.”

“Sharon, don’t do this. We can work this out.” Her mind was spinning. She’d been in many tough spots, but this was the worst. Then she remembered this was Stephanie’s room. “You sent the text, not Stephanie.”

“There is a brain in that head of yours after all.” Sharon turned her attention to the bedroom door for a split second, giving Gya just enough time to reach into her pocket and hit the speed dial on her phone.

Sharon waved her gun in front of her, but seemed to be unaware of what Gya had just done. “You’re a worthless piece of shit, Gya Gaynor. But thanks to your adoring fans, I’ll end up making millions off you after you’re dead.” The madwoman smiled wickedly. “I’ve got things all set up to profit from your untimely demise.”

Dead. Oh God, no! “Sharon, if you want money I’ll give you whatever you ask.”

“Money is only a part of the equation, Gya, the smallest part in fact. Every breath you take makes me sick to my stomach. The world will be such a better place with you and your fucking agent gone.”

Uneasiness rolled through her. “Tell me where Stephanie is.”

“She’s in the bedroom.” Sharon aimed the gun at Gya’s chest.

“If you hurt her, I swear I’ll—”

“Shut up, bitch. Don’t forget I have the gun. I’m in charge, not you.”

Breathe, Gya. “Okay. You’re in charge. I get it.”

“Better.” Sharon grinned. “You and Stephanie have always been close, haven’t you? She’s like a mother to poor little Gya, isn’t she? Let’s go talk to sweet, perfect Stephanie. Lead the way, bitch.”

* * * *

As Aaron stepped into the car his cell rang. He looked at the screen. “It’s Gya, Kyle.”

He clicked on the speaker.

Sharon Thompson’s voice came through. “Did you not hear me, bitch? I said lead the way.”