Sharon nodded. “Come in and find out.”

* * * *

Aaron walked into the kitchen with Kyle. No Gya. “Where is she?”

“Not in the house.” Kyle handed him a piece of paper. “She left this.”

Aaron read Gya’s note.

“Sharon is in town. Gone to talk with her and Stephanie. Shouldn’t be long. I’ll bring back King Cakes when I return. Love Always, Gya.”

He shook his head. “What in the hell is Sharon doing here?”

“I hope she’s not going to cause trouble over her canceling the tour.”

“Damn. It’s not fair of me to ask Gya to drop everything while I battle my disease.”

“You didn’t ask her, bro. She’s the one who wants to be with you. We both do.” Kyle put his arm around his shoulder. “We’re going to all get through this together. You’re going to beat this thing.”

He nodded. “I believe I am.” Gya had changed everything, and he loved her for it. His cell rang. “Maybe that’s her.” He looked at the screen. “Nope. It’s Sam. I wonder what he wants.”

“Probably just updating us on the Scarpelli issue, but my gut tells me it’s something else.”

Aaron had learned to trust Kyle’s instincts. He clicked on the speaker so his brother could hear the conversation, too. “What’s up, Sam?”

* * * *

Gya walked into the hotel suite.

The place looked like a storm had blown through it, which was odd. Stephanie was a neat freak even when traveling. Everything had to be put up and away. Not like now. Clothes were crumpled on the floor. The coffee table was turned over.

Gya’s gut coiled into a knot. This is all wrong.

When she saw a broken lamp on the desk next to the sofa, she turned to her promoter. “What happened here? Where’s Stephanie?”

Sharon smiled. “Let me see if I can clear this up for you, honey.” Her promoter reached in her purse, and when her hand came back out there was a terrifying-looking pistol in it.

“What in the hell are you doing?” Gya couldn’t believe her eyes. “You certainly don’t need a gun. Whatever the problem is, we can work this out.”

“Not we, Gya. Me. I am working this out.”

I’ve got to do something, but what? “Just put the gun away. Please.” Gya reached into her pocket. If I could just get a text off to Aaron and Kyle, everything would be okay. But how?

“Keep your hands where I can see them.”

Damn. “Okay. Okay. Just relax.” She pulled her hand out of her pocket, leaving her cell.

Sharon patted her weapon and aimed it directly at her, filling Gya with dread. “This baby gives me the upper hand, don’t you agree?”

“If you want me to go back on tour, let’s sit down and figure this out together.” She glanced around the room, searching for Stephanie. Trying to keep calm, she fought down the panic as best she could. Where is Stephanie? If this lunatic harmed her in anyway, I’ll make sure she pays. Please God, let Stephanie be okay. “Sharon, we just need to talk.”

“I’m sick of talking to you. I don’t give a fuck about the tour, Gya. You’re a no-talent, goddamn spoiled brat. I never have understood why everyone else couldn’t see that. Today I’m going to rid the world of you, bitch. You’ve destroyed so many lives on your rise to fame.”

“Destroyed lives?” Gya could see the rage in the woman’s eyes. Sharon had completely lost her mind. “What in the world are you talking about?”

* * * *

Kyle listened intently to Sam recounting more of what he’d learned from the FBI about Scarpelli.