He immediately muted the phone.

“Okay,” Gya answered.

“She’s alive, Kyle.” He hit the gas.

* * * *

Gya felt the barrel of Sharon’s gun in the center of her back.

“Move,” the lunatic ordered.

Gya stepped into the suite’s bedroom and saw Stephanie on the ground, bloodied and bruised. Unable to remain calm, she ran to her and knelt down beside her. “Mom? Mom? Can you hear me?”

Stephanie’s eyes opened. She tried to say something but began choking.

“It’s okay, Mom. I’m here. You don’t have to say anything.”

Sharon glared at them. “If I didn’t hate you all so much, that would be such a touching sight.”

Gya tried to wipe the blood off of Stephanie’s face. She’d been hit several times. “Why did you do this to her?”

The bathroom door opened and a man wearing an eye patch emerged, making her blood run cold. She instantly recognized the monster.

“Gya, Sharon didn’t do anything.” Calvin held a gun with a silencer. He looked as monstrous as she remembered him to be. “I did this to Stephanie. My ex is a complete bitch. She kept us apart, but no more. You and I can be together, darlin’, finally.”

“What the fuck are you talking about, Calvin?” Sharon screamed. “You love me.”

He swung around and shot her in the chest twice.

Sharon’s eyes went wide and froze in place as she crumpled to the ground. Sharon was dead.

Even though Gya was shocked by what she had witnessed, she knew she had to act quickly. She pulled out her cell and saw the call had gone through to Aaron and Kyle.

Calvin swung back around, pointing the gun at Stephanie’s head. “There you are, baby.”

Gya placed her phone behind her

back. Keep him talking. “So you and Sharon were an item?”

“Never. Don’t be jealous. I used her to get to you. I was at your concert in Dallas.”

“You tried to shoot me.”

“Not you. Stephanie. I would’ve taken her out if someone hadn’t bumped into me when I fired the gun.”

“What about my house in Malibu? Was that you who tried to burn it down?”

“Actually, that was Scarpelli. We had a misunderstanding. He found out that I was sending messages to you using his name.”

“So that was you, not Scarpelli, all these years?”

“I’ve been sending you messages ever since Stephanie found us together. I was sure you would know they were from me. You’re so smart and beautiful, not like this bitch.” He pointed the gun back at Stephanie. “But you didn’t know they were from me, did you? I was wrong. Maybe you’re not as smart as I thought you were.” His tone was changing from infatuation to anger. “One job done. One more to go.”

“What job, Calvin?”

“Time to kill my ex, angel. She’s to blame for everything.”

Stephanie tried to sit up.