Cy, for all his surprises this weekend, gave her every reassurance she needed. He was being realistic, or at least trying to seem that way. Going by appearances, Cy not only understood what he had done by moving into the city, but also didn’t expect Trixie to suddenly change her life to accommodate him. Even after figuring out that they weren’t exclusive, he didn’t let it impact their weekend. Trixie only felt closer to him now.

So what was she doing with Erik anyway? Well, she knew what she was doing to Erik. Where Cy was attentive, knew what he wanted, and took it -- all attractive qualities -- Erik could be barbarically primal, but only when coaxed out. She wasn’t always successful at getting him to take the initiative, but when he did, it was nearly the best sex of her life.

She had all but restored Erik after Vanessa, his business partner and occasional fuck-buddy who, near as Trixie could tell, had corrupted him with her uptight nature. He was better off in her hands, even if her attention was divided between two men.

This was all academic until she found out whether Erik could accept that she wasn’t exclusive to him. Trixie concluded her walk by circling around the park and made her way home. Her phone had been turned off all weekend, but there were several messages from her girlfriends. There was also a message from Erik asking if she could swing by his fitness studio tomorrow, and even a recent text from Cy, wanting to know if she had gotten home safely. She replied that she had, thanked Cy for his concern, and said good night. Trixie needed to focus on the other man in her life now without distraction. How she was going to break the news to him hadn’t occurred to Trixie yet, but it would be done in person.

She called Erik and made plans to see him after work tomorrow. When she showed up at Bare All Fitness the next day, Vanessa was just finishing a class. It was the first time they had seen each other since the boot camp weekend, when Trixie kicked her skinny little ass in all the exercises.

“Vanessa,” Trixie said curtly.

“Trixie,” Vanessa replied coldly.

The air crackled between the two women. Trixie couldn’t help but notice that Vanessa was wearing a new outfit, one that didn’t climb up every fold of her snatch. Apparently it was possible to get through to the woman after all.

“Is Erik in the back?” she asked.

“He’s having a shower.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow.

“Well isn’t that familiar.” She brushed past the woman as if she were invisible.

Unfortunately Erik had already finished in the shower and was getting dressed in the co-ed change room along with a few students from the class who had just finished. There really was no shame in this place. The men and women were oblivious to their nakedness and even talked openly as they dressed or stepped out of the shower.

Erik saw her coming, but wasn’t fully dressed. He was wearing a shirt that hadn’t been buttoned up yet. As he bent down from his Olympian height to give her a kiss, his gloriously hairy chest heaved with muscle. Several classmates took notice. Trixie felt her head go light.

There really was something primitive about Erik. He was feral to look upon, but his temperament remained calm and civilized. She really wanted to do something about that. When his hand went to her face, it covered that entire side of her head. Erik could have her at any moment with his strength, force his desire on her body if he wanted, and there would be nothing she could do about it. He wasn’t like that, of course, but the possibility of that fantasy thrilled Trixie regularly. If only Erik could take her like Cy did.

No. Trixie stopped herself from taking that thought any further. She liked both men, but for different reasons. More importantly, she was with Erik now. If this was going to work and remain fair to both of them, she had to make that distinction very clearly. They were individuals, no matter how much she wanted to cherry pick qualities from one to the other.

“Thanks for meeting me here. Did you and your friend have a good weekend?”

There was curiosity in Erik’s expression, but she was better off not going into details. There was no telling how many of these students would report back what they heard to Vanessa.

“I did. How hungry are you? Feel like going out for something to eat?”

“If it's all the same to you, I’d actually like to make you dinner.”

Trixie shook her head.

“You cook?”

That came out wrong. Of course Erik could cook. Lots of people cook. It’s not exactly an uncommon skill. Why did it surprise her that he could do something other than exercise? Fortunately, Erik didn’t take the question offensively.

“I guess you wouldn’t know. We didn’t exactly date for the longest time a year ago, but yes, I’m an excellent cook. So what do you say?”

“All I can say. Yes.”

Trixie half-expected dripping haunches of beef over an open spit, but once again Erik proved to be more sophisticated than his appearance suggested. She really had to stop drawing superficial conclusions about him. He was grilling smoked salmon steaks for them, garnished with avocado, capers, and dill.

She was embarrassed to admit that she had never seen his kitchen before. Trixie had only spent time in his bedroom, living room, and bathroom, sometimes in that order, before she slipped out again, contentedly satisfied with the drubbing Erik had given her that night. If she had explored even a little further, his love for food would have been obvious by the very well appointed kitchen he kept. The space was sparely decorated, with granite countertops and an ornate island in the middle. Erik poured a glass of elderflower juice for Trixie and perched her on a stool to watch him cook.

The dinner smelled wonderful. Some part of Trixie’s mind told her that now would be the ideal time to talk about their relationship, such as it was, and the fact that they weren’t exclusive. It would have been the perfect opportunity at any rate, until she started playfully making eyes at Erik instead. Trixie restlessly squirmed on the stool where he had set her and provocatively stretched to steal his attention away from the salmon.

Idly sitting in one place was turning out to be a bigger challenge for Trixie than she expected. Her clutch of girlfriends frequently bemoaned how the men they dated never took the time to impress them with romantic gestures, like cooking a meal, and here Trixie was taking that exact same gesture for granted. She was hungry for something other than food, which was now taking impossibly long. Was Erik using a low heat or something?

Trixie started undressing Erik in her mind, replacing his clothes with animal skins, the grill with an open flame, and the kitchen with a wind swept rocky plateau. The granite countertop helped the fantasy along. Erik was her Paleolithic lover and they were surviving in the wild, resisting the elements, hunting wild animals, and using her each other’s bodies to stay warm at night.