Erik kept engaging her in conversation, returning every smile she flashed at him, but remained dutifully committed to their meal. Trixie found h

erself prompting Erik with questions about cooking, but not really listening to the answers, which was horrible. This was important to him and he clearly took pride in his culinary skills. She leaned forward on an elbow, propped her chin up to feign interest, and then casually slipped her other hand beneath the counter and up her skirt.

Trixie tugged her panties aside and began to rub her clit lightly. She rounded the nub repeatedly and stroked her labia until both were engorged and moist. Each time Erik turned his back for a moment, grabbing another spice that he thought would taste good, she plunged two fingers up her pussy and imagined that he was having his way with her against the rocky tundra in her mind. Gods she wanted the weight of him between her legs.

Erik had no idea. Why didn’t he at least suspect what she was doing?! Trixie was about to finish herself off. He was regaling her with techniques about how to sear in flavor. Men could be so oblivious! Food was absolutely the furthest thing from her mind right now, but that wasn’t his fault. She had brought herself to this point, but that was besides the point now. Trixie needed filling. Erik pulled two plates out of his cupboard behind him, and deftly slid their salmon steaks on to each surface. He turned around to ask her a question.

“Would you like some white wine with dinner--"

Trixie was right in front of him. She had slipped around the island unheard and unseen. He lurched back almost crashing into her body, but kept his balance. She didn’t speak, but placed a hand on Erik's chest and inhaled his scent, not quite in control of herself.

“Trixie, are you alright?”

She looked up at him hungrily, her eyes filled with lust, and then ripped his shirt open without blinking, sending buttons scattering to the ground in both directions.

“I love that you can cook,” she said bluntly.

She reached around his back with her nails and raked them across his sides. Erik inhaled sharply at the sensation.

“I’m torn Erik. I really want to enjoy this meal you made.”

Trixie combed her hands up through his bushy chest and then made a fist, pulling the hairs between her fingers.

“I’m just finding it really hard to think about food right now.”

She let go of his chest hair, grabbed his neck instead, and pulled herself up until she was dangling from his body. Erik barely seemed to notice her weight. Trixie wrapped both legs around his torso which forced her short skirt up. She held her face directly in front of him so that they made eye contact at the same height and then pressed her wet cunt against his bare stomach so that he knew how ready she was ready for him.

“What should I do? Eat your delicious meal or ride your delicious cock?”

Erik’s eyes flared at the question. She really wasn’t giving him much of a choice. Trixie didn’t want to insult his cooking or make him think that she didn’t appreciate the effort he put into their meal, but dammit if she didn’t want her cake and to eat it too. Even after the previous week of seeing each other every other day after work, Erik was still eager to please. Trixie knew she was taking advantage of that.

He wrapped his arms around her body and drank deeply from her lips. He was warm, just like always, but so was she after getting herself riled up. Erik walked towards the kitchen island with Trixie and swept an arm across the surface, sending a wooden bowl filled with apples flying. He lowered her onto the granite countertop as the floor was pelted with fruit.

5. Mutual Masochism

Trixie reached down and pulled off her panties, winding them off her bent legs as Erik undid his pants and pushed them and his boxers down at the same time. She couldn't wait even a moment longer. Trixie walked her feet up his now exposed chest and then outwards to each shoulder, widening her legs apart. Erik grabbed her hips and pulled her towards him.

The counter, normally waist height for most, offered Trixie up at cock-height for Erik. His monumental prick towered over her mound. Erik lowered his length and pulled back. She felt the firm head of his throbbing member press briefly against her lips before he drove himself up her accommodating pussy. The fullness of him was always a shock at first, until the initial pain that came with accepting his girth quickly translated into pleasure.

Trixie arched her back on the countertop as he plowed her cavernous snatch. Erik wasn’t holding back. There was no time to take off the rest of her clothes and the kitchen was already hot from the grill that had been running. Trixie was dripping in sweat and they had only just started. Her body felt like it wanted to split open, or maybe that was just Erik’s swollen prick splitting her open. She shook her head back and forth, trying to shake the sweat off her face. It was pointless.

Erik reached down and ripped open her blouse, possibly sensing her need to cool off, or maybe just wanting her naked beneath him. His colossal strength tore her clothing easily, sending buttons ricocheting off nearby walls. Much as she wanted it gone, there was no removing her skirt, which was now pushed up past her waist.

Trixie popped the front eyelet of her bra and set her girls free to jostle up and down with each pounding Erik gave her loins. That seemed to excite him. She could feel the ridges of his cock harden inside her tunnel. The sensation was enough to ignite a burst of pleasure in the pit of her belly. She could feel the wave of her release coming. Too soon, she thought. She wasn’t in control.

Trixie bent her legs back and propped herself up on both elbows, trying to pace herself. Her cheeks inflated with each breath. Her breathing was labored. Trixie looked up at Erik and grabbed the countertop edge with both hands to better anchor herself in place. Rather than being propelled back with each plunge of his hips, she wanted to hold her ground firmly.

There was very little Trixie could do to maintain any kind of meaningful interaction after detonating. Her body took over and just starting fucking. She had come the closet with Erik after boot camp. Trixie had been more exhausted than she had ever been in her life. Maybe there was something to that?

Perhaps recognizing the look on her face, Erik reached down with one of his massive hands and braced the back of her neck so that they could keep looking at each other. This was his way of keeping the connection between them, but his overpowering strength was one of her triggers.

Trixie's eyes went wide as the onslaught shot through her body in two directions at once, rocketing up her spine and exploding in her nethers simultaneously. Her vision blurred from the rising heat as everything began to turn white around the edges. Trixie fought to hold on. She reached up and grabbed Erik’s muscular arm, digging her nails into his flesh. He winced in pain, but didn't complain. She was on fire, boiling over with more steam than she could contain.

“Almost there… almost…

Trixie had practically attacked him after he finished making them dinner and now she was on the verge of disappearing. She just needed to hang on for just a few more seconds. Trixie gushed out of herself and the world slid away. She hoped he wouldn’t think any less of her for giving in to the furnace.

Trixie regained her senses in a start.