She shook it off.

“I’m fine. It’s just that… I’m really glad you moved into the city.”

Cy was a taken aback. He seemed to stall for a few seconds as well before finding his voice again.

“I… I’ll be honest. I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. It felt right to me at the time, but I didn’t know if you would feel the same way. I mean, let’s be honest, I could easily be fling material for you.”

Trixie wanted to slap him again. Or kiss him. She wasn’t sure which yet. That would be decided once she was close enough to do either. She climbed out of her cockpit seat and leaned forward to crawl across the kayak between them.

“Trixie wait!” Cy yelled.

Too late. The whole kayak lurched under her weight and she slid into the ocean face first. Neither of them had put their life jackets on for the return trip, which was just as well. She was a good swimmer the flotation vest would only get in her way. Trixie surfaced immediately and spat out a mouthful of water. Cy was on his knees reaching for her.

“Take my hand! I’ll use my weight to counter balance you back up!”

Trixie timidly put her hand out. Cy reached forward, over extending himself. She grinned deviously and grabbed his forearm, yanking him forward. Cy spilled out of the kayak, sending it rocking away from them both. He emerged in front of her frowning, but only for a moment. Trixie grabbed him and mashed their lips together. They both sank underwater, but she didn’t let him go. The natural buoyancy of their bodies slowly brought them back to the surface. Cy had to gasp for breath first. Trixie still had plenty to go. She really did have to work on his stamina. Now at least she knew that there would future opportunities for them to do so.

Cy held Trixie against his side with one arm and reached out for the kayak before it drifted away.

“So what did I do this time?” he asked.

Trixie held his face in one of her hands so he couldn’t look away.

“You’re not a fling Cy. We might have started out fast, but you mean a lot more to me now than any one of those other guys. Don’t make me drown you to prove it!”

“Okay, okay, I believe you!” he laughed.

Trixie couldn’t remember the last time she was this happy.

4. Firecracker Under Pressure

Cy and Trixie finished off their weekend at a bed and breakfast in the coved community run by a pleasant old couple. The paddling had left them exhausted by that point, but Trixie got back at Cy by going down on him in their suite. She refused to stop after he started coming, but the walls were too thin for him to really express his pleasure with volume. Cy must have been louder than he realized, however, because the lady of the house actually brought it up the next morning during breakfast.

“You don’t have to hold back for our sake deary. After thirty years of running this place, we’re quite accustomed to all the sound and fury.”

Cy almost spit out the orange juice he was in the middle of drinking. She placed a hand on his shoulder and winked at Trixie.

“You did well for yourself dear. This one’s a keeper.”

“Yes he is,” Trixie agreed.

“Come back any time!” the lady said with a knowing smile before leaving them to eat.

Cy and Trixie spent the balance of that day exploring the local shops, caught a bite to eat, and then headed back to the city around dusk. She was curious to see the place he found for himself. Trixie had to admit that it was a good find when she walked in the door. Cy actually owned some halfway decent furniture and several tasteful pictures. The second bedroom was filled with workout gear comparable to any gym. There was even a fold out massage table. Cy told Trixie that she could use the space anytime, after which he would be more than willing to put his trained hands on her body.

Trixie could d

efinitely imagine spending nights at his place, but much as she wanted to today, she had work tomorrow. Of course that didn’t stop her from screwing his brains out on the couch before she left. As usual, Trixie saw no point in holding back in the moment and only realized how loud she was after the fact.

“Oh gods, sorry about that. I forgot that you’re new here.”

He shook his head unconcerned.

“If I have my way, it won't be the last time they hear a Firecracker going off when you visit. May as well get them used to it.”

Cy really liked her just as she was. Trixie left him spent and smiling at his door. He offered to walk her home, but she declined. Trixie was only a few blocks away, and Cy had given her enough lightning jizz to go for a longer walk.

The moment she stepped into the cool night air, Trixie was overcome with thoughts about her active lifestyle. Her weekend with Cy had just ended, but now Erik would no doubt be asking about her availability. Would it be possible to juggle them both? For that matter, would Erik even be okay with her seeing somebody else? That was the real question.