“I can take you,” he offered. “Maybe we go out on the riverboat for the Dolphin Magic Tour, you know, where everyone can see us behaving well.”

“There goes that Kris Kringle spirit.”

“I’ll show you what else the Kris Kringle spirit can do if you agree.”

Waverly started twisting her hair again. “You’re

telling me I have to wait almost twenty-two days before our first date?”

“We can go out tonight if you want,” said Dominic, “but Alisha told me women don’t like being asked the same day.”

“You should know by now,” Waverly said with a wink, “I’m not like most women. I’m done at three. What time can you come over?”

Chapter 10

There was something to be said about the sweet scent of cookies in the air in the cafeteria at Southwood Elementary. Two weeks after making their relationship public, Waverly had found herself still performing her Miss Southwood duties. Today was no different than when it had been when she was single. The red-and-gray lunchroom tables were arranged in long rows. Each grade was given a table. Each table had a handful of representatives decorating the premade cookies by parents. Random-sized trophies stood on top of a table decorated with Christmas trees and colorfully wrapped presents in the center of the stage at the front of the cafeteria. Waverly manned a makeshift judging table near the exit sign. Children stopped by to say hello and touch her crown.

Of all the times to have to watch my figure, Waverly thought. With the runoff pageant around the corner, she didn’t need another roll to pop up. Sure, social media was on her side and everyone agreed they liked the plumper version of Waverly. But Jillian’s skeptical voice played in Waverly’s ear. A moment on the lips... So Waverly knew better than to take a bite of the frosted sugar cookie she’d just decorated with white icing. The scarf wrapped around her snowman’s neck was decorated in blue, and now so were her fingers.

Maybe a taste wouldn’t hurt. So she took one and it was totally worth it. Waverly’s mouth watered for more.

“You honestly shouldn’t do that in public.”

Waverly turned to her left and found Dominic standing next to her. Speaking of mouthwatering. How did the man manage to make a pair of chinos and a white oxford look so damn sexy? The sleeves were rolled up, revealing his tattoos. He wore a red tie with Mrs. Claus feeding Santa cookies. Waverly licked her lips where the sweet frosting met her tongue. Dominic’s mouth twisted in a devilish smile. She recalled Anson trying to make the same joke last week and how she felt at it... Harassed. But with Dominic commenting, Waverly felt a pang of desire in her belly. Maybe she needed a glass of water or something—anything to keep her away from Dominic. Children were watching and the last thing she needed was to get caught ogling him.

“Here.” Dominic offered her a bottle of water. The frost on the plastic looked promising to cool her off. As Waverly grabbed it, Dominic reached for her other hand and pulled her finger to his mouth. It was on the tip of her tongue to stop him, but the warmth and the suction... Waverly gasped for air. It was a quick gesture. She was sure no one saw, it but left a feeling she’d never forget.

“You’re incorrigible,” said Waverly, finally finding her breath. “You know what I’m up against.”

“The Morality Committee,” Dominic said. He draped his arm around her shoulders, and with his other hand he scanned the crowd with a pointed finger. “I don’t see any of them in sight.”

She would have paid attention to all the children with their hands covered in red, white and green icing but Dominic’s distracting palm made its way down to her backside.

“You look flushed,” he pointed out and pushed the bottle of water in her direction. “You ought to take a drink.”

“And you need to stop touching me in such ways.” Waverly sidestepped Dominic’s touch. “There are children here.”

Dominic chuckled. “I’m going to need you to clutch your pearls and repeat that.”

Waverly rolled her eyes at his teasing. She had a set of pearls to model for him while wearing nothing else. She couldn’t wait to show him later in her condo—their secret rendezvous. Her place had become their meeting point since making their relationship official two weeks ago but still quiet and away from prying eyes. With Alisha living in the building, no one questioned Dominic’s car staying overnight. A chill ran down her spine with the thought. “Just you wait.”

“I can’t,” he said and picked up the sheet of paper with the list of all the cookies. “You’re not going to be able to taste-test all of these.”

Patting her belly, Waverly shook her head. “Thank God, no, I’m judging the decorations,” she belted out. “I’m signed on for the gingerbread homes.”

“I saw the fifth-grade class has a pretty cool condominium going up right about now.”

Waverly peered over Dominic’s shoulder. In the process, Dominic tugged the hem of her red sweater. The backs of his fingers brushed against her flesh. “You’re just being biased. Philly Reyes is in that group.”

“Is she?” Dominic made no effort to look over his shoulder.

The two of them were interrupted by the universal symbol of someone announcing their presence: a throat clearing. In this case it was Anson. His black eyes narrowed down where Dominic’s hand rested—at the button of her skintight jeans. Waverly attempted to step backward but Dominic held a grip on her waistband.

“Is this really happening?”

“Anson,” Waverly began. She hated the look of betrayal on Anson’s face but she’d never lied to him.

Anson held his hand in the air to stop her from saying another word. “It’s cool.” He even gave Dominic a nod. “You told me you didn’t have time, so I moved on, as well.” He stepped aside and made room for his guest. Vera.