“The Elder Elves,” Waverly supplied. “I heard they did it last year. I also head some of the ladies almost got into a fight over the affection of your friend.”

It wouldn’t surprise Dominic one bit. “Do you sing here often?”

Waverly pointed toward the crown. “Part of the job duties, not like I’m complaining or anything. I get to sing and hang out with these wonderful folks.”

“Ho, ho, ho,” a chubby Santa bellowed on his way over to them. “Hello, pretty lady.”

Dominic didn’t know who Ascot thought he was fooling. He steeled himself in place, shoving his hands into the front of his khaki slacks. Waverly stood closer to Dominic.

“Anson.” Waverly acknowledged the mayor with a icy smile. The temperature dropped with her tone.

“Ah, ah, ah.” Anson wagged his white-gloved hands in her direction. “I’m Santa. You best remember or you’ll go on my naughty list. Or perhaps...”

“Wait a damn minute, now,” Dominic growled, stepping forward. He extracted his hands and pressed one against Anson’s chest. Waverly pressed hers on Dominic’s biceps.

“Gentlemen,” she said under her breath, “let’s remember where we are and why we’re here.”

“I’m here to do a job,” said Anson. “Waverly, I know why you’re here, blessing us with your heavenly voice and angelic presence. Mr. Waverly, why are you here? Carrying her bags or here to polish her crown?”

Dominic ground his back teeth and wondered what kind of scandal he would cause for Waverly and the committee if he punched Ascot in the throat right now.

“Dominic,” Mr. Myers called out over the heads of three ladies. “Come over here and meet some of my friends. Bring yours.”

There was no way in hell Dominic was going to hang out with Anson this afternoon. “Maybe some other time,” he said. “I better get back to the garage.”

“What a shame,” Anson said.

Dominic turned before he said something or did something to reiterate what Anson thought of him. He headed back outside and as his hand rested on the iron railing, Waverly caught up with him.

“Where are you going? We’re just about to get started with the Metamucil cookies and prune juice.” Waverly’s eyes widened and she rubbed her belly.

“Don’t ask me to go back inside, with Anson fawning all over you, when you won’t allow me to punch him for making lewd comments.”

“What does it matter what he says?” Waverly asked. “He’s harmless and I’m not interested in him.”

“Well, who are you interested in?” Dominic demanded.

Waverly took a step toward him in her red spike heels. Her lips parted, then pressed together. She gulped and twisted a lock of dark hair around her slender index finger. “I’m interested in you.”

“I can’t do this back-and-forth thing, Waverly,” Dominic said.

“So don’t.”

The words struck a chord in Dominic’s heart. They were the same words she said the night before last, just before he devoured her body. Like then, Dominic closed the gap between them by snaking his arm around her waist. He drew her close and hard against his body. Without thinking or caring who was around, Dominic dipped his head and brought his lips crashing down on hers. Waverly wrapped her arms around his shoulders and made a small mew. She smelled like cookies and tasted like frosting. Their mouths were perfectly matched. Their tongues worked in unison. The air around them cooled while their bodies heated up. A car honked and someone jeered. Dominic broke the kiss first.

“So, what do we do about this?” Waverly asked. She reached out and wiped his bottom lip.

“What does the Morality Committee say?” Dominic took a step backward. He held her hands and swung them from side to side. “Because I can’t promise I’m not going to touch you.”

He liked the way her cheeks turned red. “I—I don’t know. I am allowed to have a life, within reason. I don’t want to give up my dreams of being Miss Georgia and Miss USA.”

Dominic stepped closer, remembering their conversation over pizza. “I’m not proposing to you.”


“Yet,” he followed up. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy watching Waverly squirm. “Let’s start with something innocent. Would you like to attend this big dance I’m hearing about with me?”

Waverly bit the corner of her lip. Disappointment began to gather in his bones. “I’m not sure. The committee is going to gather the other pageant queens together to get ready for the runoff in Savannah.”