Waverly’s upper lip curled at the sight of her nemesis. The official runoff had all the contestants working different events around South Georgia. Waverly was grateful she didn’t have to see Vera’s face often, but she was intrigued to see her here today. This cookie contest was strictly a Southwood event. Vera linked her fingers through Anson’s and gave Waverly an answer. Whether or not they were an official couple, Waverly wasn’t sure—but she didn’t care.

“Your little cookie event is so cute,” Vera cooed. “It must be so easy to handle in one spot.” She linked her arm now around Anson’s elbow. A pained expression crossed the mayor’s face. “We did something like this in Atlanta, but of course, with Atlanta being so much bigger, it was hard to keep up.”

Red spots flamed on Anson’s cheeks. “Southwood is just fine, Vera.”

“Of course it is,” Vera said, not even looking at her date. “Isn’t this a shocker?” she asked, wagging her finger between Waverly and Dominic.

Dominic draped his arm over Waverly’s shoulder. “Don’t start with the accusations, lady.”

“I don’t believe I like your tone,” Anson said, foolishly stepping forward. The mayor tried to stand toe to toe with Dominic but his intentional intimidation was lacking. Dominic overshadowed the man and showed him by dropping his arm from Waverly’s shoulder and squaring up.

“Good to know,” Dominic said, staring Anson down.

“Oh, good grief.” Waverly sighed. “We are on school grounds with dozens of children here. Are the two of you honestly going to get into a pissing match right now?”

“Now, later, whenever,” said Dominic. “This man needs to learn some manners.”

Anson scoffed, turned his head toward Vera and laughed. “The man with grease under his nails is going to teach me manners?”

The next thing Waverly recalled happening was Dominic’s hand snaking out quickly to the collar and ascot around Anson’s throat. Anson tried to cry out, but with Dominic’s hand around his neck there wasn’t any chance.

Waverly gasped. “Dominic.” She tried gripping Dominic’s arm, but he was too strong and in the zone. Waverly panicked, not wanting the children to see. At least she was able to push the men out the exit door. The door slammed behind them,

Thankfully two gentlemen passing by helped in breaking up the altercation. At least, she thought they were gentlemen. The newcomers grabbed Anson by the arms and threw him up against the brick wall and roughed him up. It was on the tip of Waverly’s tongue to scream but she didn’t want to alert the children. Vera came outside and started swatting the two men with her clutch.

“Hey, hold up,” said one of them.

“Dario? Darren?” Dominic said, rubbing his fists together.

“Alisha told us where to find you,” one of them said.

Clearly the three of them knew each other. Everyone forgot about Anson, which was a good thing for the mayor, who slinked away with Vera in tow. “Waverly, I want you to meet my little brothers, Dario and Darren Crowne.”

The first named nodded his head and took one long slide step in front of Waverly to reach for her hand. Like Dominic, Dario was big and broad but with fewer tattoos. Darren, who stepped forward next to shake Waverly’s hand, favored Dominic the most with light eyes. The members of the Crowne family all bore a resemblance to one another.

* * *

Both men flirted with her, taking too long with their kisses to the back of her hands...something Dominic didn’t appreciate. “Back off,” Dominic growled and snaked his arm around Waverly’s waist.

Torn between the laughter at the way the brothers got under Dominic’s skin and anger at the Neanderthal act Dominic just put on with Anson, Waverly pulled his hand from her side. “You’re in trouble with me.”

“What?” Dominic asked. He gaped at her. “You’re not honestly bothered by my putting Ascot in his place.”

“Anson.” Waverly folded her arms across her chest.

“Who is Anson or Ascot?” asked Darren. “The dude?”

“The dude is the mayor,” Waverly explained.

Dario threw his hands in the air in surrender. “Whoa, are you trying to get us kicked out of the town before we have a chance to paint it red?”

“He’s a thorn in my side, always hitting on my lady.” Dominic made one more attempt to reach for Waverly. This time she softened her stance and allowed him to tug her close. “That’s my girl. I’m sorry if I caused a scene.”

“I think I pushed you guys out before the children noticed.”

Dominic hit his forehead with the palm of his hand. “Damn it. I can’t believe I lost control like that. I’m sorry, Waverly.”

Dario hit Darren in the arm with the back of his hand. “Did our big brother just apologize?”