There were any number of appropriate response to that comment. Spencer could have asked about why pipes made of copper were considered good. He could have asked what it meant to have grounded wires. He could have thanked Emilio for his advice and time.

But instead he said, “You’re still wearing a shirt.” Then, because that wasn’t humiliating enough, he blushed furiously, squeezed his eyes shut again, and started muttering, “Oh, God. Ignore me.”

“That’s impossible. You are far too cute to ignore.” Emilio rubbed his hands up and down Spencer’s arms. “I have to keep my shirt on because attics are full of dust and insulation, so we’ll need to save the half-naked tool-belt game for another day.” At the announcement of the possibility of spending more time with Emilio, Spencer popped his eyes open. That warm gaze was fixed on him, a gentle smile on Emilio’s handsome face. “But there is a plus side to this, you know.”

Spencer licked his lips, gulped, and said, “What’s that?”

“After I’m done up there, I’ll be all itchy and grimy, so I’ll need to take a shower before we can go to dinner.” He paused and then said, “I’m hoping maybe you’ll want to join me.” He waggled his thick, dark eyebrows. “I promise to take my shirt off before I get in the shower.”

As gorgeous as this man was, he was also a little goofy and gentle and he seemed so genuinely interested that Spencer felt his nervousness slowly melting away. “Throw in the pants and you’ve got yourself a deal,” he said playfully and held out his hand.

Emilio panned his gaze down to Spencer’s hand and then back up to his face. “I ain’t shaking your hand,” he said.

He cupped Spencer’s ass with one hand and tangled his fingers in the back of Spencer’s hair with the other. Then he pulled him forward and slammed his mouth against Spencer’s in a searing kiss. Emilio kissed like he laughed, like it was a full-body experience. He nibbled and licked at Spencer’s lips, sucked on his tongue, massaged his nape and the back of his head, and squeezed his ass. And at the same time, he bent his knees so their groins lined up and then rolled his hips, rubbing their hard dicks together. Spencer was one more grind from cumming in his pants when Emilio finally pulled his mouth away, leaving him whimpering and trembling.

“See that?” Emilio said breathlessly. “We sealed it with a kiss. Much better than a handshake.”

AS HE climbed up into the attic and away from the handsome man he had just been kissing, Emilio hoped he was making the right move. The moaning, whimpering noises coming from Spencer when they were in the bathroom, combined with the way the man grasped his shoulders and pressed his entire body against Emilio’s, were universal signs for “fuck me now.” But less than an hour earlier, Spencer had been nervous, maybe even scared, and Emilio wanted to give him more time to adjust to what seemed to be a new experience.

Emilio wondered whether the other man had recently gotten out of a long-term relationship. That would explain why the situation seemed to catch him off guard. Or maybe he wasn’t the type to sleep around. It was refreshing, actually.

Emilio’s parents had been high school sweethearts and they had recently celebrated their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. His two oldest brothers had done the same thing, marrying the girls they had dated in high school; his sister, the only one in the family who had attended college, got married right after graduation. Even Henry, who was only three years older than Emilio, was well on his way to getting engaged to a girl he’d been seeing for a couple of years.

Though his current lifestyle of bar pickups and online hookups didn’t show it, Emilio wanted the same thing as the rest of his family—someone to build a life with, someone to come home to after a hard day’s work, someone to take to Sunday dinners at his parents’ house. The guys he met didn’t come close to fitting into that picture. They weren’t any younger than Emilio, but to him they seemed less settled, like they weren’t sure what they wanted to do with their lives other than party a lot and fuck at every opportunity. Not that Emilio had ever complained about either of those things. Hell, he’d always had a good time with the guys he followed home.

But this, here, with Spencer… it felt different, like it was more than a party or a good time for the night, like maybe he had finally met a man who would want the kind of life he pictured in his head. If his instincts were right, Spencer Derdinger could be his forever guy. But Spencer was skittish, reminding Emilio of the feral cats he had found outside his parents’ house as a kid. He remembered spending weeks trying to gain their trust—giving them food and letting them get used to his scent—before they’d finally let him touch them and, eventually, bring them into the house.