He hoped like hell it wouldn’t take that long to get Spencer into bed, because skittish or not, the man was fucking hot, Emilio had been after him for weeks, and before he had climbed into the attic Spencer had been looking at him like he wanted to eat him for dinner. Those things were not a combination designed to calm his libido. One way or the other, Emilio was going to have to drain his balls in the shower or he was sure he’d develop a medical condition. He hoped Spencer would want to join him in the task.

IT TOOK close to an hour to follow the trail of tangled wires in the attic, but Emilio wanted to make sure he had a good picture of what Spencer would need to do in order to modernize the house and bring it up to code. Plus, he took the time to develop a plan of how he’d hook his man. Feeling confident that he had the answers on both fronts, Emilio climbed down from the attic.

Before doing anything else, he walked over to the front door and stepped outside. He was standing on the grass, brushing the dust and debris off his clothes, when Spencer shot out the door, looking panicked. He skidded to a halt when he saw Emilio.

“Oh! You’re still here,” he said.

“You were worried that I took off?” Emilio asked, crooking one side of his mouth up.

“No,” Spencer denied unconvincingly. “I heard the door open and—”

“Don’t worry,” Emilio drawled. “I ain’t even gotten started on what I came here to do. I’m not leaving. I needed to get some of this stuff off outside so I wouldn’t get your house all dirty.”

Spencer relaxed. “Okay,” he said, sounding relieved, and then he smiled. “Thank you. That’s very considerate.”

“I have a change of clothes in my gym bag. It’s in my truck,” Emilio said, tilting his chin toward the vehicle. “I’ll go grab it and then we can take that shower. I’ll tell you what I think needs to be done with the house over dinner. That sound okay?”

He figured Spencer would agree, but given the man’s shyness to that point, he hadn’t expected him to walk off the porch and right into his personal space. But that’s exactly what happened.

“Thank you for doing all this,” Spencer said when he reached Emilio. He put both hands on Emilio’s shoulders, lifted himself up onto the balls of his feet, and placed a soft kiss on the side of Emilio’s neck. “I really appreciate it.”

Right at that moment, Emilio decided he would do anything Spencer asked, always. Hell, he might try to come up with some stuff Spencer hadn’t thought of and do that too. It’d be worth it to get that grateful smile and gentle touch.

He circled his arms around Spencer’s waist and rubbed his back. “You’re welcome. I hope you’ll let me do more, but we can talk about that over dinner too. Right now, I have to get this insulation off me. It’s really itchy.”

“Oh, okay. Go get your stuff and head for the shower. I’m finishing up some things in the kitchen and then I’ll join you.” Spencer paused and blushed again. “I mean, if you still want me to.”

Just the small contact they’d had outside had made Emilio’s dick hard again. He took Spencer’s hand and put it over his groin. “Does this answer your question?” he asked huskily.

Spencer shuddered and nodded. “Yes.” He swallowed hard. “I’ll, uh, just be a minute.” He stumbled back into the house on what looked to be shaky legs, making Emilio think he was on the right track.

There was no doubt in Emilio’s mind that Spencer was attracted to him and wanted to go to bed with him. Those things worked strongly in his favor for landing the sweet, intelligent, older man. He figured what he needed to do next was convince Spencer to let him stick around for more than that night. With enough time and enough patience, Emilio was certain he could earn Spencer’s trust. And he had the perfect plan to make it happen.

Chapter 4

SPENCER had faced some pretty intimidating things in his life. He had defended his dissertation in front of a room full of brilliant scholars. He had come out to parents who he’d accurately predicted wouldn’t be accepting. He had moved to a city where he didn’t know anybody to start his career. But somehow, not one of those things had been as daunting as getting completely naked in front of Emilio Sanchez.

Even having seen only small portions of the younger man’s body, Spencer knew Emilio was built unlike anyone he’d been with, probably unlike anyone he’d seen in real life. And Spencer had sufficient access to a mirror to realize he didn’t compare. He didn’t consider himself bad-looking, but he knew his looks weren’t his best feature. And now he was going to bare everything in a brightly lit bathroom to a man who looked like a fitness model.