“It means that you’re my baby and I aim to prove it to you. If that word bothers you, I’ll use another one,” Emilio said. “But it won’t change nothing.” He leaned back and looked directly at Spencer as he let go of his hand and cupped Spencer’s bulge, squeezing and caressing him from balls to dick. “That clear enough?”

Words escaped him at the moment but Spencer gathered the mental power to bob his head in something resembling a nod.

“Good. Now I need to check out your plumbing.”

“My plumbing?” Spencer squeaked.

“Yup.” Emilio dipped his chin. “Gotta see what shape your pipes are in.”

The potential for double entendres was horrifying. “You’re talking about my house, right?” Spencer asked.

Emilio threw his head back and laughed. It was as wonderful as when Spencer had heard it that first day, deep and free. “You crack me up,” Emilio said. He brushed his lips over Spencer’s cheek and then chuckled a little more. “All right. I’m gonna poke around under your sink and then you need to show me your attic access.”

“Oh, you don’t need to do all of this. Really.”

Emilio had the sink open and he was already on the floor, pulling the few items Spencer kept in there out of the way and then sliding in on his back. “I don’t mind. I like working with my hands. Besides, I’m hoping I’ll be able to impress you here.”

Lying on the floor with his muscular legs spread, Emilio’s hard dick was clearly noticeable, stretching across his groin at a slight angle and still reaching his waistband. It looked long and thick, and Spencer instinctively squeezed his rectum in reaction, imagining how it would feel to be stretched by that impressive rod. Then Emilio reached his arms higher and his shirt pulled up, exposing abdominal muscles so defined Spencer would have been sure they were photoshopped had he seen them in a magazine.

Oh. Dear. God.

“I’m impressed,” Spencer assured him, his voice sounding gritty and unfamiliar. “I’m very impressed.”

Emilio’s husky laugh sounded from beneath the cabinet. “Good to know,” he said. “I need to get my tools out of my truck.” He slid out from under the sink and winked at Spencer. “I can take off my shirt if you want, just wear the tool belt.”

Spencer groaned and his breath quickened.

“Yeah?” Emilio sauntered over. “That image doin’ it for you, cariño?” He cupped Spencer’s ass and yanked him forward, putting their groins in direct contact.

“Oh, God,” Spencer gasped.

“I do believe this is the most fun I’ve had on a job.” Emilio grinned wickedly. “Ever.”

He kissed Spencer again, on the chin this time, and then sauntered out of the kitchen. Spencer was still rooted in place when he heard his front door open and then close. He was panting and throbbing and completely discombobulated. Standing there, waiting for Emilio to come back, he tried to give himself a pep talk.

It was clear that this man wanted to sleep with him, and the feeling was definitely mutual. Usually between the sheets wasn’t where Spencer impressed men, but for once, his body seemed to be cooperating. Maybe he should remove his clothes and take Emilio to his bedroom. He was pretty sure things would work out fine, and even if they didn’t, he’d get to see Emilio naked. That seemed like reason enough to push ahead with the original purpose for this visit.

But no matter how much his body and mind seemed to agree on these points, he was still standing in the kitchen when the front door opened again and Emilio called out, “I’m going to take a quick look at the pipes in the bathroom, and then I’ll check out the attic.” Emilio’s boots thumped on the hardwood floors, and Spencer forced himself to move his feet in the direction of the bathroom.

When he walked in, he saw that Emilio hadn’t been kidding about the tool belt. He was flat on his back again, the top half of his body under the bathroom sink and the leather tool belt riding low on his hips. Spencer closed his eyes and begged whatever deity might be listening to give him the nerve to move forward with this hookup. Was praying for sex with strangers blasphemous? Spencer decided he didn’t care. Getting naked with the sexy man in front of him would be worth whatever repercussions he’d face.

“Okay,” Emilio said, his voice sounding closer than it should have.

Spencer’s eyes flew open and he found himself looking right at Emilio’s neck. Apparently, the man had crawled out from under the sink while he had been praying. He raised his gaze past the dark shadow of Emilio’s beard, his full red lips, and his tan skin until he met that dark gaze.

“I think I have a good handle on the pipes,” Emilio said. “They’re copper, which is great. Unless I see something unexpected in the attic, I don’t think you’ll need to change those. I seriously doubt you’ll be as lucky with the wiring, though. Unless someone replaced it, you’ll want to rewire the house and make sure the outlets in the kitchen and bathroom are grounded.”