Kendrick leaned forward looking amused. "What did the twins do?"

Adriel waved a hand at him. "Something about increasing the gas pressure of the oven."

Eva shrugged before sliding half the platter of bacon onto her plate. "It might be safer for us to move down here."

"If it makes you feel any better I had a bit of a meltdown myself," Vivi said encouragingly.

Adriel sat back in his chair. "I think it is just now sinking in. Last night, it was simply the next step to take to prevent chaos, but this morning it seems more real." He met her eyes. "Everything has changed."

She nodded her understanding. "Trust me, I understand."

Adriel eyed Declan. "My first decision as a Royal is to make Declan attend all future council meetings in my stead."

Declan choked on the bacon and waffles he had jus

t shoved into his mouth. "Whaaa?" he demanded his mouth still full.

Gavriel rubbed a hand over his chin. "That sounds like an excellent idea. He can act as my proxy when I leave as well."

Declan who had just taken a huge gulp of milk to clear his airways inhaled and began to choke again. Frantic Kari began beating on his back. "If you die, I swear I will kill you," she threatened.

Declan's face was beet red as he pounded on his chest. When he was finally able to breathe, he glared at the two new royals. "That was not funny. Don't even joke like that."

Gavriel and Adriel exchanged looks. Adriel looked at his second in command. "What makes you think we were joking? We are taking a page from Aiden's book and putting you in charge. It will do you good."

Aiden grinned around the table his cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk from stuffing his mouth with three waffles. He gave Declan a thumbs up.

Declan rested his face on the table. "Shoot me now. Save me the misery!" he moaned.

"Don't be such a crybaby Declan. You are perfectly capable of attending meetings," Rex chided. He eyed Adriel slyly. "Of course since he will be doing so much work for Prince Adriel, I fully expect him to set up living quarters for you on Level One."

Declan's head perked up. "Level One?" He turned to Adriel with wide eyes. "I could eat Sebastian's cooking everyday?"

Sebastian smiled as he refilled Declan's plate. "I love cooking for hearty appetites."

Adriel nodded slowly smiling. "Since so many of the Eta warriors' mates work in the lab, or with Prince Magnus, maybe the entire unit should move down here."

Eva smiled at Vivi when she caught her staring. Adriel didn't want to leave the Unit Level because he would have missed his friends.

"Isn't he just the sweetest thing?" Eva asked to no one in particular.

"I think that is a wonderful idea!" Beth exclaimed. "That way when we visit it will be easier to see Ellie, Eva, Kari and Vivi!"

"And I will be able to visit Declan, Kari and Baby Lionhart whenever I wish since the council quarters are on Level One as well." Rex was grinning from ear to ear.

"Sorry I'm late everyone! The children are feeling better and are wanting to get out of their hospital beds and play. It's making them irritable," Ellie said breezing through the door with Grant, who carried Benji on his chest in a papoose. They sat down and started reaching for food.

Vivi turned to their new prince. "Gavriel, I've been thinking."

He raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"The second batch that is going out today only took a few hours to process. I think it's due to the age of the blood. The older it is, the longer it takes to break any bonds." She looked down at Ellie. "If this theory is correct, then we may see a slight decrease in effectiveness with the second batch."

Ellie frowned. "We drew blood for testing at the six-hour mark last time. I'll have new samples down in the lab around noon. I hope you're wrong."

Vivi strummed her fingers on the table. "I do too, but I don't think I am." She turned back to Gavriel. "That being said, I don't think that even warrior blood will be very effective for Prince Magnus."

"You wish for me to donate?" he asked sitting back in his chair.