Hal snorted. "It's a good thing you've been here so long, you don't have to adjust to the city."

Vivi looked around the table. "I wonder exactly how long the threads of Fate are."

Gavriel eyed his mate. "Truly."

Vivi winked at Sebastian. "Can I come here for breakfast sometimes too?"

He nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! The more the merrier."

Vivi turned over the issue in her mind and besides hating the fact that she would be close to where her father had lived, she couldn't find any reason not to stay.

"If we have any children, and they're like me, I won't have to worry about them getting burned," she thought out loud.

Hal ruffled her hair. "As much as I hate to admit it, you're a perfect fit here kiddo," he said begrudgingly.

"Good morning," Aiden said walking into the room. In his arms, he carried a small blanket wrapped person.

"Is that Meryn?" Vivi asked. "And is she okay?"

Aiden nodded. "Oh yeah, this is normal. She really isn't a morning person." He set his burrito mate down in her chair and carefully laid her head down on the table. He sat down and simply scooted the waffle platter in front of him before dousing it in syrup.

Ryuu emerged from the kitchen with a cup and set it down by Meryn's head. He reached into his vest pocket and pulled out an odd-shaped straw. He placed one end in the cup and guided the other end between Meryn's lips.

"You created a straw that she could use face down?" she asked.

Ryuu nodded. "It quickly became a life necessity."

"You have no idea," Colton added walking through the door with Rheia.

Slowly, the dining room began to fill as everyone began waking up.

Adriel sat down and pulled out his iPad. "I take it from the number of baskets in the antechamber our announcement has gone over well?"

Leana sipped her coffee. "If anyone has anything negative to say they are keeping it to themselves. Magnus' popularity is at an all-time high. Our people see the return of the four Royal Houses as a sign from the gods that great things are coming to Noctem Falls."

"The children have even made 'Get Well' cards for Magnus." Sebastian said excitedly. "They are the most adorable things! I am getting them framed for the antechamber."

"We were also discussing the new living quarters," Vivi added slyly. She wasn't disappointed by Adriel's reaction.

He frowned. "What new living quarters?"

Vivi sat back with her cup of coffee as Gavriel explained how they were reopening the Ambrosios royal quarters and that since he would eventually be returning to Lycaonia, that Adriel would be the primary resident.

The more Gavriel spoke the paler Adriel got. "But I cannot leave the men!" he protested.

"I am sure we'll get along fine with you down here," Declan said reassuringly.

"Fine? Fine! We almost lost Godard yesterday when the twins accidentally blew up the kitchen!" Adriel looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack.

Eva chuckled. "Time to let your baby chicks fall out of the nest."

Rheia looked at her. "Don't you mean fly from the nest?"

Eva gave her a pointed stare. "Have you met the men?"

"Good point."

"They will die." Adriel said simply.