Vivi nodded. "I do. The method I have come up with to treat the vampires is to mix a known compatible vampire blood strain with a donation from an older vampire. It is my hope that the older blood will give the sick vampire a boost in much the same way as vampire blood helps shifters. The stone will reduce the need to have an exact blood match." She looked around the table. "This is all experimental. I have no idea if it will work or not, but it's the best idea I have."

Beth faced her mate. "Please," she whispered.

Gavriel cupped the back of her head and pulled her close to kiss her gently. "You need not even ask my love. He means much to you, of course I will help in any way I can." He looked over to Vivi. "I must make two requests, however."

"Of course," she agreed.

"First is that you only take what is absolutely needed. If there is any blood left over, it is to be destroyed immediately. Secondly, I wish to be there to see it administered."

"Those requests are more than reasonable. We can start this afternoon drawing your blood, if you are free." Vivi couldn't help but feel excited. She would be able to see the oldest vampire blood in the world under a microscope.

"I will make time. The sooner Magnus is on his feet, the better," Gavriel answered.

Rheia leaned forward. "Do you want me to gather some older vampire blood from among the vendors just in case? We can have it processing while we're waiting."

Vivi nodded. "That is an excellent idea. While you do that, I'll get donations from Caspian and Gavriel. We'll put all five bags on the stone first thing so that it can start processing. Something tells me it will take longer than even the warrior's blood to finish. I'm thinking if we get it started this morning, we could start administering the third batch the day after tomorrow."

Beth gasped. "That long?"

Ellie turned to Beth. "The warrior's blood took over twelve hours, and they are nowhere near as old as Gavriel. If Vivi is right about age playing a factor, then Gavriel's blood will need the extra time."

Beth slumped down in her chair. "I just want Uncle well."

Rheia gave Beth a sympathetic look. "We all do honey."

Sebastian cleared his throat, and everyone looked to where he stood by the door leading out to the antechamber. "Prince Gavriel, Princess Vivian, you have a guest waiting for you in the next room. Founding Family head, Ivan DeLaFontaine wishes to speak to you regarding Prince Magnus." Sebastian's voice was neutral, even pleasant, but the irritation on his face spoke volumes.

Vivi looked over to Gavriel, who stood. "Please tell him we will be with him momentarily Sebastian."

"At once, Prince Gavriel," Sebastian responded laying it on thick.

Vivi opened her mouth but was brought up short by Gavriel raising a finger sharply. A second later the air in the room flexed.

"We have maybe two minutes before he realizes he no longer hears normal dining room sounds, like silverware and glassware clinking," Kendrick advised.

Gavriel turned to her. "If you feel more comfortable, I will do most of the talking. I will try to keep everything vague and hurry him out the door." He turned to Aiden. "If he is still here in five minutes announce you need my assistance with a concern from Lycaonia. He will not be able to ask about that." He turned to Kendrick. "The same for you. In five minutes remind Vivi she is needed in the lab." He looked around. "Any questions?"

Meryn raised her head for the first time. She looked around, her eyes barely open. "Huh?"

Gavriel stared at Meryn a moment then nodded. "Right. Let us go deal with that prat."

Meryn scowled. "Huh?"

Vivi watched in amusement as Aiden helped Meryn out of her chair and away from her coffee cup. Colton made a huge production to walk on the other side of the room, far from the barely conscious human.

"Surely that isn't necessary?" Vivi asked her mate as Colton steered Rheia in the opposite direction to walk the long way about.

Etain leaned in. "I heard from Gamma that Meryn threatened to castrate Colton the first morning she spent at the Alpha estate. I don't think he's taking any chances."

"That's silly," Vivi scoffed.

Etain pointed to the other end of the table. "You notice that Rheia isn't protesting."

"Should Meryn be allowed in the same room as DeLaFontaine? She hasn't even finished her first cup of coffee?" Eva whispered to Adriel.

Adriel flashed them a rare boyish grin. "Why do you think we are all heading to the antechamber?"

Vivi shrugged. "Let's go watch the midget in action."