Everyone heard their footsteps as they walked down what sounded like a marble hallway. They heard a knock then a soft voice. "Enter."

"My Queen, I have my brother Etain on the phone. He is with Prince Magnus and is requesting that you soundproof this room before anything is discussed."

"Of course," was the reply. A moment later, the melodic voice returned. "Etain, the spell has been cast." There was a pause. "Prince Magnus, I offer greetings to the City of the Night from the Land of Eternal Sun. It has been too long since we last have spoke."

"I have been pining away since our last conversation Aleksandra," Magnus said in an amorous tone.

Over the phone, they heard a low growl. "Magnus! What have I told you about flirting with my mate!" a deep voice demanded.

"Oh, Brennus were you there? Sorry about that." Magnus didn't sound the least bit sorry. Behind him Sebastian had his face buried in his hands.

A soft tinkling laugh was heard before the queen came back on the line. "Etain, it has been so long since your last call. How have you been? I heard you have found your mate! I am so excited for you. We have all missed you dreadfully here. Malcolm is doing a fine job as Captain of the Guard, but you were so much better at it. When can you come home for a v

isit? " the queen asked question after question.

Etain's face softened. "As I have missed all of you. And yes, I have found my mate. She is as beautiful as she is kind. As for visiting, I fear that the reason for this phone call prevents me from leaving the city any time soon."

"Could that be the reason why none of my children can establish a portal to Noctem Falls?"

"Yes." Etain paused before shooting a glance to Magnus who nodded. He continued. "We seem to have something on an anomaly here."

"Sounds interesting. What type of an anomaly?"

"A virus that affects both shifters and vampires."

"There is no such thing," the queen refuted.

"There is now your majesty," Rheia replied.

"Who is that?"

Rheia blushed. "My name is Dr. Rheia Albright."

"Perhaps some introductions are in order," Magnus suggested.

It took a few moments, but they worked their way around the table.

"Dr. Albright, Dr. Kimball, what can you tell me about this virus?" the queen asked.

"Please, call me Rheia," Rheia started.

"And me Ellie. We haven't been too formal here," Ellie replied.

"Not formal? At Noctem Falls? Did Sebastian stop starching Magnus?" Aleksandra asked playfully.

Magnus opened his mouth.

"If you make one comment about being stiff, I will find a way to thrash you over this phone," Brennus warned.

Magnus closed his mouth sighing. "Having young people about has greatly improved my outlook."

"I know what you mean. Speaking of young ones, I noticed that Meryn McKenzie was not one of those introduced. Is she there?"

Aiden turned to Ryuu with a puzzled look on his face. "Where is Meryn?"

Ryuu's features were drawn tight. "I sent her to bed. Someone said something to her that hurt her terribly. It felt like someone raked claws along her soul."

Aiden's expression shut down. "I see."