They stepped inside. "What?" she asked.

Sebastian pursed his lips. "They were just about to call for you. I will let them explain." He led them to the dining room where everyone sat looking grim.

Magnus looked relieved at their arrival. "Good, we were about to send someone to get you. Please sit down. Have the two of you eaten lunch yet?"

Vivi shook her head. "Not yet."

They sat down, and Sebastian brought in a fresh platter of sandwiches. As they helped themselves, Kari started. "Stefan got a call from his brother this morning. Cristo is in Albuquerque and was ready to complete the last leg of his travels to come visit when he discovered that the fae portal at the Council Estate wouldn't open."

Etain froze with his sandwich halfway to his mouth. He set it down. "What?"

Magnus grimaced. "Exactly. Which is why we were waiting for you. Have you ever heard of such a thing occurring?"

Etain didn't reply instead, he reached for his phone. "Damn!"


"My sister has been trying to reach me for hours. I have it on 'Do not disturb'. We always seem to be in the lab or in meetings, so it was easier to leave it silenced, especially since we have walkie-talkies now. I never even thought to check it." He pushed a button and started to rise.

Magnus shook his head. "Do not feel as if you have to leave on our account. Unless you desire privacy, you are more than welcome to stay. I think we are past formal manners at this point in time."

Etain sat back down looking relieved. "Allia what is..."

"Where in the hell have you been!" a female voice demanded.

"Baby sister, I am sitting at the Prince's dining table. Everyone can hear you," he informed her.

"Oh. In that case. Where in the hell have you been! I have been calling for hours Etain. Hours!" Allia continued.

Declan chuckled, and Grant covered his mouth with his hand to hide his smile. Etain glared at them. "My mate found her way to me. We have been getting to know one another."

"Next time you have sex leave the damn ringer on. Do you have any idea what's happening? No one can open a portal to Noctem Falls," his baby sister ranted.

Vivi leaned in listening avidly. Her mate's sister sounded like a firecracker.

Etain turned to her, his cheeks pink. "She's normally much more collected."

"I think she sounds amazing," Vivi admitted.

"Is that her?" Allia asked.

"Yes, I'm here. My name is Vivian Vi'Aerlin, or it will be as soon as I file the paperwork with the council to change my name."

A soft gasp was heard. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Allia repeated.

"Here, let me." A male voice said. "Etain, congratulations on finding your mate."

"Ailain, thank you. Is our sister well?" Etain asked looking worried.

"She's crying she's so happy. We feared the worst when she shared your earlier concerns with us in regard to your mate's safety. I cannot tell you how relieved we are to hear both of you are well," Ailain answered.

Etain turned to Vivi. "Allia and Ailain are twins. They are my younger siblings by nearly a thousand years. Both serve directly under the queen. Allia acts as her lady in waiting or a more modern term would be her personal assistant, and Ailain fulfills the same role for the Queen's consort Brennus Vi'Eirlea," he explained.

"Brother, what is going on in Noctem Falls? Allia nearly skewered the poor guard who was supposed to open the portal to send you your requested support when he failed to establish a connection." Despite the seriousness of the situation, Ailain's voice sounded amused. Vivi could only imagine the amount of trouble the little spitfire caused.

"Ailain, I need you and Allia to go to the Queen's antechamber and have her cast a soundproofing spell," Etain requested. Beside him, Kendrick was securing the dining room.

"Hold." Gone was Ailain's mirth, he was all business now.