"Aiden as soon as this call is over, I will tell you what happened," Etain offered.

Aiden just nodded, but Vivi noticed that a faint outline began to appear around the Unit Commander.

"By all means, let us quickly conclude this call so that our Unit Commander can comfort his precious mate. I have to admit. I have a soft spot for that little human. I am most displeased to hear that she has been hurt," the queen's melodic voice became frosty.

"I will see it set to rights My Queen," Etain promised.

"Good. Now what is this about a virus?"

Nervously Ellie began to go over what had been happening in the city. Vivi's mind wandered back to Meryn. To her, it seemed as if he was just being a Grade-A dick, but the tunnel escort must have hit on a painful issue for Meryn to be affected to greatly.

Ellie's voice brought her back to the conversation at hand. "And this morning we started a trial run from the blood gathered from the warriors. Not even an hour later, we began to get notifications that city's portal wouldn't open," Ellie concluded looking a bit winded.

"I have also issued an edict that the doors to the city shall remain sealed until we can figure out what is going on. If the fae portals are refusing to open to prevent this from spreading, we must do our part and keep city locked down," Magnus added.

"It must be the virus," Aleksandra concluded. "The portals wouldn't recognize shifters getting sick as they are not the majority race in the city. However, with vampires now sick, the portal has shut down to protect the fae. I'm afraid we won't be able to reestablish a connection until the sickness is gone from the city."

"We're working on it." Vivi replied. "Just before coming here I checked in on the results of the blood work from this morning. Tentatively, we're looking at a sixty percent success rate," she shared.

"Thank the gods!" Magnus whispered.

"Indeed," Aleksandra echoed. "Now, on to our other pressing issue,"she continued.

Everyone shared confused looks with one another.

"Is there anything I can do to help cheer up that adorable little human?" she asked.

"One of the things that she really wants is a bag like Kendrick's," Anne volunteered softly.

"Do you still have that silly thing?" the queen asked laughing.

"As if the fae has ever created anything that could be silly?" Kendrick refuted playfully.

"There's the other flirty bastard. Though I heard he has mated. Good." Brennus groused.

"I flirt with Aleksandra because you wouldn't give the time of day you stud," Kendrick bantered back winking at Anne. She shook her head grinning.

Vivi glanced around. She wasn't the only one shocked by Kendrick urbane teasing of the Queen's consort.

"He has you there Brennus," the queen giggled.

"Tricky witch," Brennus muttered.

The queen laughed again. "Tell Meryn that I will get one started just for her. I have been meaning to send her something anyway. Her Facebook posts had me laughing harder than I have in a very long time." The queen chuckled.

"It is true. One of the happiest days of my life was the afternoon I watched my love roll around on the bed snort laughing," Brennus admitted.

"Brennus! I do not snort!" the queen said indignantly.

"Of course not darling. What I meant to say, was when you breathed through your nose while laughing and convulsing on the bed," he corrected.

"Oh you!" The queen laughed. "On that note, I will let you all go. But Etain, Magnus, keep me abreast of any and all progress." Her voice was pleasant, but an order was an order.

Magnus grinned cheekily at the phone. "Any excuse to speak to you again," he teased.

"Etain you may call our queen with any updates. Magnus you call me directly," Brennus corrected.

"Of course sire," Etain said and ended the call. He leaned back in the chair before turning to Magnus. "What was with the flirting?"