“You want to be home so you can cry without anyone seeing you.”

“And?” So what she thought. What was so bad about that?

“You don’t want me to see. But I feel it already. This time you are going to cry because of me, do it in front of me. Do it in my arms. Don’t try to hide again.”

And that was all it took. With just his words her eyes remained locked to his and the tears began to pour freely. As if someone had opened the flood gates.

He didn’t say anything. He didn’t make it go away. He just held her there. In the air. Floating so she had no choice but to hold him back.

It didn’t take long before her head was on his chest and her body released every bit of lousy it could. She felt worse than she ever had before. An aching inside her remained and it burned like fire. She wanted it over with.

“Do it.” She didn’t know what else to say to him. But she knew he didn’t want to feel it any longer either.

A tickle here and tickle there and she felt her body relax against him. A beautiful warmth swept over her body, as if a warm fuzzy blanket had been pulled over her and she was suddenly cozy right where she was. Where she wanted to be.

The feeling of the hard floor beneath her feet jolted her back to reality. The reminder that she was about to leave him, that she didn’t want to, that she feared it, made her hope their separation would not be permanent.

A stronger tickle and she was alive again. No knots, no tears or fears. Nothing. Just happy.

Chapter Six

The drive home gave her the perfect opportunity to ask as many questions as time allowed them anyways. Even though she thought she had asked enough questions for one day, her mind wanted more answers. She blamed this all on Liz. Making the claim that she took after Liz, including inheriting the inquisitive mind.

“How long have you been like this?” Something inside her wanted to know how long he had loved her. He said they connected when she was born but she needed to hear it. Or maybe again her curiosity just wanted to know if she was really having a relationship with an old man slash vampire.

“More than one hundred less than two hundred.” He stared out the window with a blank expression on his face. Taylor was suddenly aware that she was at a great disadvantage. He was definitely an old man. Her inner self laughed. She didn’t care how old he was just as long as he looked like he did and did what he does well, for the rest of her life.

He reads my thoughts, feels what I feel, but I can’t do either with him. He’s fast. He has magical saliva with healing powers I could have never imagined. He can control emotions. Apparently he can fly or hover in space or something. He can control my body literally with his mind. Like super gluing it to a wall. What a man. My man. Her mind was almost patting her on the back.

“I would have to agree with you Sweet.” He gripped her hand lightly, brushing kisses across my knuckles. “I like you at a disadvantage. It makes everything I can do so much more special.”

“Do all vampires have the gifts that you do?”

“No. Generally we are all fast. We can all make anyone want us. We all thirst for blood. We can move fast and are a lot stronger than humans. Then there is always something that is extra for lack of a better word. In my world the special ability that we have is known as our rurique. Some can control your mind, make you do things that you wouldn’t do, some can control animals, some can transform into animals, and so on.”

“Can you do all of those things?”


“Well that brings doggy style to a whole new level.” Immediately after the words left her mouth she couldn’t believe she had said that out loud. She looked over at him and was relieved when he began laughing only making her join in.

“So then you are different from the others like you.”

“Technically speaking there are no others like me. To date anyways.”

“So why do you have all those abilities?”

“I don’t know. None of us know.”

“So I guess that makes you pretty special then huh?”

“I guess you could look at it like that.” His lips curved into a smile that stirred her insides. “You’re going home Taylor. Unless you wanted to make a pit stop somewhere?”

I could go for a pit stop anywhere with you, but right now I need to get home with my kids. He nodded understanding her loud and clear.

She reached for her phone to let Liz know they would be there in a few minutes.
