Sadly, : ( I’m on my way home. Do miss you guys, just getting to know him. I don’t know what it is about him that makes me want to stay but I am utterly confused and pleasantly relieved. Don’t really know what else to say. Really Confused. How’s that for my inner Goddess? Love ya.


When they pulled into her long driveway she wished that she had more time together. Disappointment sank in. If only we could back up time. That would be awesome.

“I can’t do that Sweet. To date, no one ever has been able to control time like that. Manipulate it at times, but not change it completely.”

“So can you manipulate our last few seconds into what feels like oh an hour or so?”

He put the car into park smiling at her. “So tonight later, movie?”

And that was the answer to her question. “Yes. What time should we be ready?”

“How about six? That should give us plenty of time to eat and then have the kids in bed by ten right?”

“Yeah.” She smiled. Does he know my entire routine or just certain things?

“Pretty much your entire routine. After all, I have heard your thoughts for a very long time.”

She smiled reaching for the door knob. His hand brushed her cheek and she turned back to him. His lips came down on hers kissing them tenderly. If she didn’t get out of the car and do it fast, there would be a whole lot more than kissing going on. She pulled back and quickly opened the door rushing up the steps to her house. She turned as she heard the vehicle begin to move watching as he waved one last time before leaving her view.

Taylor opened the door, not seeing anyone she collapsed against it giving her legs the much needed stability. What have I gotten myself into? Whatever it is, I’m good as long as he’s there with me. Absolutely marvelous. But should I feel like that? After everything I have learned about him. The dreams, vampire, abilities, and him knowing about Chase. Intimate details about Chase.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Liz turned the corner. Taylor immediately

blushed sidestepping her. Don’t kill my high, not now. I can kiss and tell some but not everything. Definitely not when it comes to Chase.

“Where are the kids?” Change the subject. Come on Taylor keep it together. You know she is going to want answers to questions, you don’t have when you tell her what he is and what he does, what he can do.

“Playing, so?” Typical Liz. Always ready to learn something new about someone or something.

“So what?” Taylor knew Liz was hinting for details. What was she supposed to say? Oh he’s amazing, sexy, great in bed, and oh by the way he is a vampire! Oh and he can make me come by wriggling his cute little nose, like he did in my dreams. Yes he is my mystery man.

“So, mystery man is?”

Convenient you put it that way. “His name is Damien and you already know that.”

“Yeah your right. Sexy voice. Sexy man. Sexy eyes. Sexy name. Downright sexy all together I would say. Don’t know why that 30 second conversation I had with him didn’t stick. So how did last night go?”

“It was unexpected.” That’s all she could come up with.

“And?” Liz pushed her for more information.

“And I am seeing him again tonight. He’s taking the twins and I out to dinner and a movie tonight.”

“Really? Thank God! What time?”

“Thank God? Have I really been that bad?” She knew things had been tough since Chase but she really thought she had handled everything well. Well until last night and the eye opening experience that allowed her to see the wall she had built and it was made of her strength.

“No and yes. You’ve been lonely. The kind of lonely that Zach, Ashley and I can’t fill. You need someone.”

Stop it Liz. I don’t want to talk about Chase. Don’t go there.

She could feel her buzz slowly leaving her body and mind. “Well, no promises. I like him but let’s just say these circumstances are quite different than others.”

“Ok, so you said you would tell me. Start talking.”

“I don’t even know where to begin Liz. When I am with him I feel like me again. I know, I know. I just met him, blah blah blah. It confuses the shit out of me to, but oh my God he is such a good kisser, he smells so good, his hands. Oh Liz he has amazing hands. You wouldn’t believe the abilities that he has. He is very well proportioned and knows how to use everything the good lord gifted him with. How’s that?”