Her clit began to tingle, throb, and swell. Her knees trembled. Oh for the love of God! She hit the floor as his talent ripped through her body leaving no part untouched. She shuddered. Arching her back upward embracing it. As it began to leave she felt her lungs burn and she gasped in air. As soon as her bearings returned she stood.

Ok. You win.

The hot water against her skin was a blessing. She had been hot and sweaty. She stood there letting the water run over her body thinking of everything he has said and coming up with a billion more questions for him. Then she thought what if he didn't want to play Q&A anymore? What if this was it? What if he was of the man or vamp she thought he was? She forced herself to stop thinking the way she was.

She finished her shower quickly shut the water off. When she exited the shower , she saw a bag with a bow on it. A small card read,

My Sweet,

Thought you could use some more clothing beings I may have torn your skirt and panties. Hope they didn’t mean anything. If they did I’m sorry. I blame you for driving me to madness.


She opened the bag seeing its contents. A sweatshirt, jeans, very tiny hardly any fabric involved panties, a bra, and socks. She smiled as she dressed and then saddened by having to leave. She wondered when she left, would she really see him again or was this some kind of messed up dream?

The dream. Oh my God! That’s it. You’re him. I have seen you before. My mystery man. You haunted my dreams. You shit ass bastard fucking pig. I hate you! You took that night from me. The last night with Chase, I laid my head on his chest and dreamed of you while he died.

Just like that he was back in front of her his hands gripping her shoulders. “Get away from me.” She tried to order him away sternly but he didn’t listen to her.

“Calm down. I didn’t know. I didn’t know that it would happen that night. Please.”

“No. Back away from me now.”

“Taylor calm down now or I will do it.”

“Don’t you fucking mess with my mind. Not now. Not ever again.”

“You leave me no other choice then.” He didn’t give her a chance to argue. His arms wrapped around her and her feet were lifting off the floor. She looked down and it was then she realized he was floating or flying.

“Put me down!”

“No. Not until you calm down and think about things.”

“What’s there to think about? Really?”

“You know I didn’t know that night would be the night. Don’t blame me.”

“You took me away from him when he needed me the most.”

“No Sweet. You have that way wrong. He didn’t suffer. He slept peacefully. When he closed his eyes to sleep and drifted off, that was it. Best way to go if you have to.”

That’s impossible. He had been in so much pain. How can that be? “I don’t understand. Did you know when it happened?”


“That’s why I woke so quickly.”

“Yes.” His eyes turned from red to dark. Sad.

“Please put me down.”



“No.” His voice continued to be stern.

She shook her head. She didn’t want to be in his arms. She didn’t want to be near him. She just wanted to go home where she could half ass think about all of it.