They returned to the music room and joined the ladies once again. Violette sat with his sisters, looking for all the world like she’d always been there. Like she belonged in his family.

Tricia rose and crossed to the pianoforte, lifting its lid, and striking up a merry tune. A grin tugged at one corner of his lip. He’d wanted to dance with Violette. Now was his chance.

Striding over the where she sat, conversation stopped as he held out his hand. “May I have this dance?”

With a nod, she slipped her gloved hand into his and he clasped her fingers tightly as he pulled her toward the open space near the patio doors.

As he slipped his hand about her waist, he thought he might be able to circle it with both hands. It was so tiny and that protective feeling he often felt when she was near roared to the surface. The attraction was there of course, always sizzling within him. He wanted to hold her close, kiss her, and shield her from the world at large and the troubles she faced now.

But he’d always know she didn’t choose him the way he’d be selecting her. He was a means to an end.

“Tell me you’ll be here tomorrow. We’d arranged for you to stay the week.” He spun her again as his sister continued to play.

“I don’t…I don’t know.” She looked over his shoulder not meeting his eye. “You’ve expressed your unwillingness and there seems little point.”

Swallow his pride? Clearly. He had to give her something or she would leave and he simply didn’t want to let her go yet. There was a connection between them that he couldn’t deny. While he had his reservations, he didn’t want to see her go either. “Your mother is ill. Allow her to recover. I’ve been thinking of your brother. I’m sure Luke, Ryker, and myself could look at his books and make suggestions on how to begin growing his assets.”

Her eyes widened and her lips parted. “That would be wonderful. I don’t know how much you could can do at this point, but any help would be appreciated.”

“Let me think on it tonight and we can come up with a plan in the morning. A way to help your brother.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. The music had just ended and he reluctantly let her waist go, tucking her hand back in his elbow. As they reached the settee, she slipped her hand from his arm. He wanted to pull it back, wanted to whisk her away where they might be alone. But he couldn’t do any of those things. Blast, what was he going to do?

* * *

The next morning, Violette woke filled with thoughts of the night before. Theo’s stare. His promise to help her brother. Was it foolish to hope there might be something between them? Even if there wasn’t, could he really aid Bentley in saving the earldom?

After rising from bed she went to check on her mother, who was still ill. The doctor had been called and he’d assured Violette it was nothing to be concerned about. But her mother would need a few days before she’d be well enough to travel.

Feeling better about her mother’s illness, she started down to breakfast. The family chattered away and she gave Theo a small smile as she took her seat.

Tricia beamed at her as well. “It’s a beautiful morning.”

“It is.” Violette nodded.

“Tell me, Lady Violette.” Tricia’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “Do you ride?”

Violette nearly choked on her first bite of egg. They hadn’t actually meant she should intentionally fall off a horse did they? “Yes, some.” She wasn’t accomplished enough to pull off a trick like that without breaking her neck.

“Let’s put together a riding party then. Tabbie won’t be able to join, but the rest of us could go.” Tricia clapped her hands.

“I’ve got a great deal to do.” Luke frowned. “I’ll stay back with Tabbie.”

But Theo glanced over at his brother-in-law. “Do you need my help?”

“Go.” Luke gave him a nod. “You’ve time enough to work.”

Theo gave a stiff nod. “Riding it is, then. Shall we leave in an hour?”

Violette raised her eyebrows giving Tricia a quick glance, but then she jerked her head in consent. The outing didn’t sit right. She wanted to spend time with Theo but she understood his greater responsibilities. “I know you’ve been gone a long while and you’ve only just returned. If you’ve work to do, I understand.”

He relaxed with her words, his eyes softening at the edges. “We can spend the morning together. I’d like that very much. Perhaps my sisters can entertain you for the afternoon?”

“Of course.” Violette took another bite of her egg. She hated to pull him away but she wo

uld make the most of this opportunity. If Theo could really help her brother, she’d take it. Not that she wouldn’t have to marry, she knew she would. Theo’s words from last night echoed a thought she often had. What if her future husband didn’t help her brother?

It was with that in mind that she changed into her riding habit and made her way to the foyer.