Violette shook her head. She would not think these thoughts. “I may not have a choice if my mother’s condition doesn’t improve. But that would be beside the point. His Grace is set against marriage.”

Tabbie waved her hand. “He’s the youngest. He likes to hold on to his pigheaded notions but he’ll come around. They always do. Luke, my husband, was far more set in bachelorhood than Theo ever dreamed. You just have to give him some incentive.”

Violette raised her brows. She wouldn’t do anything to tarnish her reputation. It was too important now. “I’m not sure that is wise.”

But Tabbie’s eyes twinkled. “I meant reject him. But I think you’ve gone about doing that already. Clever girl.”

Violette’s head snapped back. Had she? “I don’t know what—”

But Tricia filled in. “Telling him you’ll leave. He could hardly take his eyes off you. And now he thinks he’ll lose you.” Tricia clapped her hands. “Are you a good horsewoman? Maybe he could save you from a runaway horse. That would really twist him into knots. It brings out all their manly instincts.”

“Save me?” She blinked at the two women. “From a horse?” She shook her head. “I’ll break my neck.”

They both grinned. Tabbie gave her a wink. “Honest, forthright, beautiful. You’re perfect for Teddy. You must stay!”

She’d been worried perhaps the sisters would be standoffish or cold. But she should have been worried they’d be meddlesome. Because now they were nearly plotting her death.

The truth was, though she was doing her best to deny it, Theo made her feel things she thought she’d never in her life experience. And he was chosen by her mother, no less. Was it even possible that she could make a match that might save her family and nourish her heart?

Maybe a runaway horse wasn’t such a terrible idea after all.

Chapter Seven

Theo sat across from Luke and Ryker. No one spoke. It was a standoff of sorts and it made him feel like a child. They had been treating him like a child but he also had the vague sense he’d been acting like one. Damn it all to hell.

“When my father passed…,” he started. “I wanted…freedom.” He took a sip of his whisky, leaning his elbows on his knees. “My whole life had been so controlled.”

Luke gave him a nod of understanding. “I felt the same. And though I didn’t leave the country, my rebellion was far worse than yours.”

“Really?” That was interesting. “How so?”

Luke grimaced. “Drinking, women, gambling. Your sister helped me see how my life could be more fulfilling but it took some time and I had to open myself to it.”

Theo nodded.

“And Lady Violette?” Ryker asked. “Does she provoke any emotion in you?”

Theo grimaced. The answer was yes, but it seemed strange to admit. “I am protective of her. I want to help her and…” But he drifted off when he saw both the other men smiling.

“And you’re attracted to her?” Luke wiggled his eyebrows. “How could you not be, she’s lovely and invit—”

But Theo’s growl stopped Luke, who openly chuckled. Theo took a deep breath to gain control over himself. “She’ll leave as soon as her mother is able.”

Ryker stepped in. “Ask her to stay for her scheduled visit at least. Give yourself some time to decide.”

Theo shrugged. “Even that seems a promise of sorts after the declaration I made.”

It was Ryker’s turn to chuckle. “That is the whole trick of marriage. If you’re considering it. You have to set your pride aside at times in order for it to work.”

Was he considering marriage? Hells bells, he couldn’t be. Just yesterday he’d agreed to assume all his ducal duties in some fashion or another.

Accepting that, however, had him thinking of other duties. He could hardly believe it, but all this talk of responsibility had started to make him see that he’d been avoiding, despite his best intentions to build the business. And Violette, she was so much more admirable shouldering hers than he was avoiding his. He’d gone off to become a man, but he was beginning to see that to really be the man he wanted to be, he’d needed to be in England all along.

Bloody hell.

He sat contemplating all they had said and while silence filled the room again, this one was amicable. He found himself scratching at his beard.

They’d join the ladies shortly. But he couldn’t very well whisk Violette away to speak with her and didn’t know what he might say to convince her to stay for at least a little while.