Theo was already there and her breath caught at the sight of him. He’d shaved the hair on his face. If he’d looked dangerously handsome before, he was dashingly so now and her insides began to flutter.

She forced herself to remember that she would care for Bentley first. Her brother and sister had been left with their one remaining servant who had stayed out of loyalty. If she didn’t succeed, what would happen to them? She’d spent the entire time she’d been dressing reviewing the particulars of their finances in her mind.

Theo watched her come down the stairs. “You look lovely,” he murmured.

She tried not to blush. Though his compliments always made her do so, this time her cheeks were warm from embarrassment rather than pleasure. Her riding habit was one of the items that hadn’t been updated. It was old and out of fashion. “Thank you.”

He offered her his arm once she reached the bottom of the steps. “I’m glad you’re still here. How does your mother fare?”

“The doctor thinks she’ll be fine, she just needs a few days to recuperate.” She could hardly concentrate on the words, his arm was strong and warm underneath her hand.

He was so close as he said, “I’m glad to hear it.” Clearing his throat, he continued, “I haven’t forgotten my promise to you last night to help your brother.”

She didn’t have a chance to respond because Ryker and Tricia joined them. As they made their way to the barn, Theo gave her hand a squeeze. A thrill of excitement moved through her. “Tell me what you know about your family’s finances.”

“A fair amount.” She took a deep breath, wanting to be concise. While it pained her to share these details, it was no secret to his family that her situation was dire, which had been the main reason she’d come to stay here. “I know my father sold our country estate after several bad investments robbed him of his income. He held onto a few properties but mostly lived off the proceeds. My sister’s dowry was spent shortly before his death. I think with her being the prettier sister, he suspected she’d marry anyway.”

“You keep saying that.” he grimaced at her.

She looked behind them to see both Tricia and Ryker listening. A blush colored her cheeks.

“By the time he passed, we had little money left. I did manage to sell a theater and some sort of club he’d held onto.”

“Wait, you sold them?” Theo looked to her.

“My mother was a socialite. She understands matches and balls. My head has always been better with numbers.” Her cheeks grew hotter, but she refused to feel badly about helping her family. She notched her chin and straightened her shoulders. “I bought farmland and it is turning a profit, just not enough. Given a few good years and the chance to buy more I could turn things around. We’ve had a good crop this year, so it’s just a matter of finding the right buyer.”

Theo stopped walking. “You are running your brother’s earldom currently?”

She blinked. “Not all that successfully.”

“That’s not your fault,” Ryker said behind her.

She turned to face them, which required letting go of Theo’s arm. But only a second passed and then he tucked the other hand into his elbow. “I actually attempted to convince my mother to use my dowry to purchase more. I thought if I could be successful then there would be money enough to replace it. But she wouldn’t hear of it.”

Theo’s hand tightened over hers. “If you are husband-hunting at your mother’s request alone, why do you appear so willing?”

Just because she’d wanted another plan didn’t mean she wouldn’t do whatever she had to. “I am willing. Whatever saves my family is what I will do.”

Chapter Eight

Theo tried to process everything Violette had revealed. It wasn’t that her words were complicated but, unlike so many ladies he’d met, he’d known there was more to Violette than met the eye.

Her commitment to her family was incredibly admirable, but perhaps not as awe-inspiring as the fact that she’d taken the helm of an earldom.

“Ryker.” He looked up to his brother-in-law. “Are we not in need of grain?”

Ryker’s eyes lit with understanding. “Indeed we are.”

Theo turned back to the woman he’d been admiring. How had he not realized that spark of something more in her eyes was intelligence? “I am sure we can agree upon a fair price.”

Relief made her shoulders slump and she gave him a glowing smile. “Thank you.”

“When we complete the transaction, we can help your brother invest that money.”

Ryker nodded. “It will take time, but we can build it up again. One success can lead to another.”

Her hand was tucked into his elbow, and he hadn’t realized that he’d covered it with his own. She in turn placed her free hand on top of his. “That would mean the world to me. Me marrying doesn’t teach my brother how to be a success. He needs mentoring.”