Page 46 of The Choice

Jesus, maybe he should find some booze…

Beck stood, paced. Cursed. If Seth fucked and ran, he’d help Heavenly pick up the pieces—after he buried the bastard’s body.

If Seth hadn’t yet touched her… Well, Beck was already wondering how much longer he could resist temptation when he craved her so desperately.

Faint footsteps padding across the hardwood floors jerked him around to face Gloria. She stood in the doorway, looking sleepy and disheveled, her short red hair spiked in every direction. She squinted against the setting sun spilling through her west-facing windows. She had faint lines around her eyes that hadn’t been there a few years ago, but she didn’t look anywhere near fourteen years his senior. Then again, she never had. Gloria paid the best plastic surgeons to stay young. In her line of work, it was imperative. And she was a beautiful force to be reckoned with.

“What time did you pull in? Why didn’t you wake me when you got here?” Gloria asked in a husky tone.

Beck ate up the distance between them in two strides and wrapped his arms around the tiny dynamo. “About two hours ago.”

“It’s really good to see you.” With a contented sigh, she brushed her lips across his cheek, then headed straight for the coffeepot. “I fucking hate mornings.”

Thank god Gloria was still as saucy as ever.

He laughed. “The sun is about to set.”

“Well, it’s morning for me.”

“Which is why I didn’t wake you when I let myself in. I figured you’d be working tonight. Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”

“Merry Christmas back, you big, handsome stud. I’m glad you’re here.”

“Me, too.” He pulled her close again and lowered his chin to the top of her head, inhaling her familiar scent. She felt like comfort and home, and he drank in the much-needed peace. “Grab a chair and I’ll pour you a cup of coffee.”

“Spoiling me already?”

“You spoiled me for years,” he pointed out with an arched brow as he filled her mug with steaming brew and handed it to her.

As he sat across the table from her, she took a sip and moaned. The caffeine hit her system, and she pinned him with a dissecting stare. “So what’s going on in LA.? Out with it.”

“Oh, the usual… Bloody arteries all day and bloody asses all night.”

“Any bloody ass in particular caught your eye recently?”

He had no idea how to explain a grown-ass sadist falling for a virgin. “Yes…and no. It’s complicated.”

She took another drink from her mug. “Obviously. Or you would have talked to me when whoever she is started getting under your skin a few weeks back.”

Of course Gloria knew. She’d always been able to read him.

As Beck tried to figure out what to say, he was interrupted by a knock at the door. Gloria turned to the sound of keys jingling and hinges squeaking.

“You up, baby?” a man called out.

“In the kitchen.” Gloria’s eyes lit up as she stood.

When Beck had met the man in her life last Christmas, he’d known immediately she might actually fall for this one.

Buddy entered the kitchen, and she wrapped her arms around the fifty-something guy in jeans whose hair sported more salt than pepper. His beard matched. Gloria had always preferred men suave and flashy. Funny that she’d finally lost her heart to a quiet, modest plumber. But they fit together perfectly.

An almost teenage delight crossed her face before he kissed her lovingly. Beck found himself envying their closeness.

Buddy lifted his head, arm still wrapped around Gloria. “Hey, Ken. How are you?”

“Good, man.” Beck stood and extended his hand. “So you’re still dating my wife?”

“Yep. Hope you’re all right with that.”

“If you make Gloria happy, then hell yes.”

“Which reminds me, Kenneth…” Gloria mocked, making Beck grimace. She only called him that when she was busting his balls. “Our eighteenth wedding anniversary was last month and what did I get? No flowers, no card. Not even a phone call. And never mind sex. You haven’t fucked my brains out in years.”

He rolled his eyes. “If you want to start celebrating now, I’ll go pick some dandelions from the front yard while you bend over the kitchen table. That sound romantic?”

She snorted. “No wonder you’ve been unattached for so long.”

“Eighteen years?” Buddy sounded awed. “That’s longer than either of my marriages lasted.”

“Because you kept marrying the wrong kind of whore, sugar.” Gloria winked. “Sit down. Want some coffee?”

“As much as I’d like to stay, I can’t.” Buddy frowned. “A pipe at one of the restaurants inside Caesars burst. I just came by to tell you to have a good night at work. Be careful, baby.”

“Always am.” Gloria hugged him tight and gave him another lingering kiss.

With a crooked grin, Beck refilled his mug, damn glad to see Gloria happy. She’d had a hard life on the streets and on her back. She’d definitely earned some joy.