Page 45 of The Choice

“You’re not listening to me, goddamn it!”

“I’ve heard every word you said,” Liam assured.

Seth was done. He’d helped Liam when his friend had asked. Now that the Irishman had his life in order, Seth was out of here. He’d been hanging around for one reason, and she didn’t want him. She wanted the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Fine. Fuck it.

He was gone.

But Liam kept on yapping, like he was the guru with all the answers. “Now you listen to me. Get your shit together. You and Beck can both teach her as your relationship grows. The first thing you two have to do is figure out how to get on the same page. That can be tough. Believe me, I know. But it’s got to happen—”

“Like fuck it does. I don’t want to slap balls with Beck. And I won’t let Heavenly twist me up anymore.”

Finally, Liam’s dark eyes gleamed with some empathy. “You’re hurt and mad because she means something to you and you want to be enough for her. But you may have to accept that she needs you both.”

Never in a million fucking years. “You know how to reach me if something else comes up or you want to shoot the shit, but that woman won’t be leading me around by the dick anymore.”

Now the big man stood, advancing until they were toe to toe. Good, Seth was itching for a fight. He dragged in a breath and rolled his shoulders. He was mad at himself—and at the world in general. If Liam pushed him one more time, Seth would happily plant his fist in the man’s pretty pearly whites.

“Let me get this straight…” Liam’s voice dropped to an incredulous growl. “That woman you’re accusing of intentionally leading you around by your cock is…how did you put it? Naive and unworldly. Yet she has enough wiles to manipulate an experienced Dominant like you? Please. I’ve watched you maneuver cunning subs for years and come out unscathed. So how in the ever-loving hell could a little virgin possibly wrap you around her finger? Is she an innocent babe or a manipulative bitch? You can’t have it both ways.”

“You don’t get it,” Seth growled back.

“Oh, I understand completely. The part I’m stuck on is why you’d blame her for your shit. When she gave you her honesty, you tucked your tail and ran. After all you’ve been through, I never thought you’d give up on someone you obviously have feelings for. If you ever want to be happy, I suggest getting over yourself, shelving your ego, and most of all, making peace with your past.”

That was a low blow. “Back the fuck off, Liam. I mean it.”

“Oh, I see. You expected me to empathize with poor you. You wanted me to pity your dilemma and validate your feelings.” He scoffed. “How about you grow a pair instead? When I called a few weeks ago to tell you about my troubles with Raine, isn’t that what you told me?”

Yeah, he had. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

“On the contrary. I’m saddened that the man I’ve always respected is behaving like a coward. You’re scared shitless to admit you want Heavenly in your life. That’s the biggest problem of all.”

Red mist hazed his sight. It annoyed him even more that Liam wasn’t wrong. One more word and they’d come to blows. “Fuck you and fuck this bullshit. You don’t know—”

“Of course I do. I was there, remember?” Silence enveloped both men for a heartbeat. “I know exactly what happened, why you’re the man—and the Dominant—you are now. Isn’t it time you stopped—”

“Isn’t it time you stopped tossing my tough love back in my face?”

“You didn’t die that day. Why don’t you start embracing the fact you’re still alive?”

But Seth had heard more than enough. He shoved Liam back hard enough to send him crashing against the table. Without another word, he turned his back and headed for the front door.

Liam still managed to cut him with his parting shot. “Nothing that happened was your fault, Seth. You’re wasting your second chance. Wake up and realize that before it’s too late.”


Beck gripped a fresh mug of coffee, wishing for something stronger. It was almost five o’clock here in Vegas, and he was on vacation. He should be relaxing, damn it. Instead, he was fixated on Heavenly. What was she doing right now? He hoped like fuck she wasn’t naked and spreading her legs for Seth while he rutted on top of her. Would he come back from Christmas break and find out that Heavenly was no longer quite so innocent? If that happened, he’d have no one to blame but himself. He had chosen to keep his distance. Yes, for her own good, but now he was paying a steep price for tucking away his inner Dom and being a gentleman.