Page 47 of The Choice

Suddenly, Buddy’s phone rang, and he broke the kiss. “Gotta go. I love you.”

“Love you, too. Call me later.”

With a nod, he was gone. Gloria was still glowing when she sat at the table again.

Beck reached across the surface and wrapped his hand around hers. “He’s a good man.”

“Almost as good as you.”

“You deserve happiness with a man who loves you to the moon and back. Why don’t you marry him? For real.” Beck sat back. “You and I never had a normal marriage, and you don’t need a ‘husband’ to keep you safe from overzealous customers anymore.”

“I don’t,” she admitted. “I haven’t turned a trick in years. It’s nice being the madam. Saves some wear and tear on my pussy, too.”

“Gee, thanks for sharing that tidbit.”

“You know me…” She shrugged. “I appreciate the security blanket having a ‘husband’ gave me.”

“But you don’t need it anymore.” The security had once benefitted him, too, but their union had long ago served its purpose. They’d certainly never been in love, but neither had found any reason to pursue a divorce…until now. “I can have my lawyer draw up the papers. Just say the word.”

“Are you ready?”

“I’ll be fine.”

Gloria studied him. “Tell me about this woman who’s distracting you.”

Beck would rather not confess everything like some sappy, lovesick teen, but no one knew him better.

He blew out a breath. “Her name is Heavenly.”

“Sweet scene name.”

“She’s not from the club. Hell, she doesn’t even know it exists, much less that I’m a member. Heavenly is her real name. I met her at work.”

Gloria’s brow took on a disapproving arch. “Work?”

“I know you taught me never shit where I eat, but she…” He groped for the words. “Well, she’s a volunteer and… Fuck!”

“She’s got you by the balls?”

“I wish she’d put her hands on my balls,” he grumbled. “But I haven’t even kissed her.”

Coffee caught in Gloria’s throat, and she nearly choked. “Excuse me?”

“Want to hear the even-more-shocking part? Since I met her, I’ve tried to take a couple of subs to my room, but…” He shook his head. “I’m not interested in anyone else.”

That took Gloria aback. “You’re serious?”

“Yeah. I’m not acting like myself. At all. I feel stupidly off balance.”

“The last few times we talked, I knew something was up. What are you going to do?”

“Nothing.” Beck tossed his hands in the air. “What do I know about vanilla dating?”

“Your knowledge would probably fit in a thimble,” she acknowledged. “When did you meet her?”

“Almost a month ago.”

Gloria gaped at him, slack-jawed. “Holy shit, Ken. You haven’t gone a month without sex since you were sixteen.”

“Nope. But Heavenly is a virgin. You know how I feel about that.”

“Yeah.” Gloria scowled. “How old is this girl, anyway? Thirteen?”

“Ha! No. That’s the gap between our ages.”

She tsked. “Honey, that’s basically the same gap in our ages.”

“You and I are different.”

She laughed so hard she cackled. “Is that what you’re telling yourself?”

Beck glared. “Why don’t you ask me the obvious question? I know you’re dying to. C’mon… How the hell does a pervert fall for an innocent young thing?”

“You’re not a pervert. Well, not the criminal kind.”

“Thanks,” he returned tartly. “If Heavenly knew the truth, she’d probably think I was.”

“Did you ever think I was?”

He’d been sixteen and homeless when she’d taken him off the streets and given him a new life. “Hell no.”

“So why wouldn’t Heavenly count her lucky stars that she’d found a protector and a provider? And be grateful for your big heart?” It was her turn to squeeze his hand. “The look on your face says you don’t think so.”

“We have nothing in common, except a passion for medicine.”

“Yes, you do.” She gave him a knowing smile. “You simply haven’t figured out what yet. Tell me about her.”

“She’s sweet. Sassy. Shy.” He sighed. “Submissive.”

A big smile spread across her face. “She sounds perfect.”

“I doubt she’s ever heard of an erotic spanking, so how is she going to react when I whip out the single-tail?”

“Please… That kind of progress takes time. You suddenly lack patience?”

When it came to Heavenly, yes. He wanted all of her—her body, her soul, her submission—right now. And for the first time in a long time, he couldn’t simply take what he wanted.

“Even if I gave her a hundred years, I’m not sure she’d get there.”

Gloria frowned at him, and he could hear her now. You’re not giving yourself enough credit. You’re quitting before you’ve even started. He needed to make her understand. And if a picture was worth a thousand words, this one ought to do it.

Gut tensing, he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his pictures until he found the one of Heavenly he’d secretly snapped at lunch while pretending to read a text. Sun from the skylights lit her hair, illuminating it like a halo. She really did look like an angelic little girl. At a glance, heat flooded his veins. His pulse kicked up. His cock stirred.