“I will if I have to.” Aster frowned. “But I’m thinking we should slip around back. It’s hot as hell out. Maybe they’ve opened a window or something.”

“Pretty sure Madison can afford an air conditioner,” Layla quipped.

“Yeah, well, she’s not really Madison, though, is she? She’s MaryDella Slocum. So I’m guessing she’s a fan of fresh air and wide-open spaces. It would explain why she chose to buy a secret house in the middle of nowhere.”

“She used to crank the air and leave all the windows open,” Ryan said. “I told her she was single-handedly destroying the environment, but she said she hated feeling confined.”

“So, what’re we waiting for?” Layla nodded toward the side gate.

To Aster’s relief, Layla let her take the lead, though there was no telling how she might react once they were inside and found Tommy and Madison together. Aster just hoped they wouldn’t catch them doing something embarrassing. Then again, the more compromised they were, the better it was for her.

With Ryan’s help, they scaled the gate and crept across the terrace to the french doors that opened to a nicely appointed den. Inside, she found two beers sweating on the coffee table, but no sign of Tommy or Madison.

Moving deeper into the room, they froze at the sound of dull, rhythmic pounding coming from the far end of the hall.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?”

Aster swayed unsteadily. Even though she’d been expecting it, hearing Madison’s voice was like a jolt to the heart. After all this time, she finally had proof of the one thing she’d known all along: Madison Brooks was alive.

“Fuck yeah,” Tommy grunted, followed by a whoop that made Aster flush in embarrassment.

The pounding continued. And though her heart broke for Layla, Aster shot her a look that warned her not to do anything rash. Then, slipping her cell from her pocket, she prompted the camera app and rushed forward toward the open door, ready to capture a scene that would make Aster’s striptease video seem positively PG in comparison.

She watched through the screen as Madison whirled on her and cried, “What the hell?” Turning on Tommy, she said, “Did you call them?”

Tommy stood before them, shirtless, sweaty, and seemingly caught in the act of something Aster couldn’t make sense of. His gaze bounced between Aster and Ryan. By the time it landed on Layla, his face had drained of all color.

Aster took note of the paddle Tommy gripped, along with the padded walls, rubber floors, and strange array of equipment, unable to comprehend whatever sort of messed-up role-playing fantasy they were engaged in. Clearly it was some kind of fetish room, though it wasn’t like it mattered. Not when Madison Brooks was living, breathing, and standing right there before them.

After weeks of heartache, Aster’s life had changed in an instant. The burden of proof had been lifted. She no longer had a reason to fear her own future.

Fueled by a summer’s worth of pent-up rage, Aster advanced on Madison, ready to make her suffer for all the pain she’d inflicted. Her fingers catching at Madison’s skinny arm, she started to drag her closer when Tommy intervened in an effort to protect Madison. It was a move that was not lost on Aster, nor on Layla, for that matter.

“It’s not what you think!” he cried, but it was too late for that.

“What the hell, Tommy?” she spat, refusing to let go of Madison’s arm until Ryan gently pried her fingers from Madison’s flesh.

“Pretty sure we need her alive,” Ryan said, drawing Aster close to his side.

Tommy raised his hands in surrender. Realizing he was still holding the paddle, he dropped it to the ground and tried again. “It’s not what you think.” His gaze darted wildly. “Just—just give us a chance to explain.”

“Us?” Aster fought to free herself from Ryan’s hold. Sure they needed Madison alive, but Tommy, not so much. “So you’re admitting to being an us?”

“Not what I meant, just—please. Can everyone just relax?” Tommy was pleading. He looked horrified, terrified. Well, too bad.

“Sure,” Aster said, voice edged with sarcasm. “As soon as I send this video to Detective Larsen so he can drop all the charges against me and clear my name of a crime I didn’t commit, I’ll be happy to relax and watch as you two”—she wagged a finger between them—“are exposed for the frauds that you are. Seems like a fair trade to me.” Aster scrolled through her contacts, leaving no doubt she was willing to make good on her word.

“Don’t.” Madison spoke for the first time since they’d burst into the room. Reading Aster’s scathing look, she added, “Please. Don’t.”

Aster held Madison’s gaze and lifted the phone to her ear.

“They can’t know I’m alive. No one can.”

“No one but Tommy?” Layla spoke up. Aster was surprised she’d managed to remain quiet so long.

“Layla—” Tommy started, but Aster stopped him before he could start.

“You sort out your love life on your own time.” Aster glared. “I have better things to do at the moment.”