“Do it,” Ryan said, egging her on. “Post it to Instagram too. The sooner the world knows, the better.” He gave her an encouraging look.

In her cheap clothes and heavy-handed makeup, Madison appeared small and frail, battered and beaten—the exact opposite of her usual highly curated look. But Aster was too jacked up to focus on Madison’s drastic appearance or how she might’ve gotten that way. Her fingers were shaking so badly she found it difficult to press the right prompts on the keypad.

“Listen,” Madison pleaded. “I get why you’re angry. But if you can just spare me five minutes, I can explain. After all, what’s five more minutes after everything you’ve already been through?”

For the first time since she’d been caught, Madison sounded appropriately desperate. It had sure taken long enough.

“I know you don’t like me,” she continued. “And I know you blame me for every bad thing that’s happened to you. But you’ve got it all wrong. Calling Larsen will just put me in more danger than I’m already in.”

“And I’m supposed to care because . . . ?” Aster smirked.

Madison paused. “Because I guarantee it will put you in more danger too.”

Aster rolled her eyes. “Sounds like a line from one of your movies. You’re going to have to do a lot better than that

if you want me to believe you.” She arced an arm wide. “I couldn’t care less about whatever you do in your kink room. Though I’m sure the tabloids will love the footage I send them.”

Madison squinted in confusion.

“Is this how Madison got to you?” Aster regarded Tommy closely. “Is this how she seduced you and persuaded you to keep all her secrets?” Aster was furious, but fought to keep her anger subdued. “I can’t believe you sat right alongside us, pretending to be one of us, when you were in on it all along.”

Tommy shook his head and mumbled something about how Aster had it all wrong. But Aster wasn’t interested in Tommy’s excuses. Not when the truth was unfolding right in front of her.

“We just came from your trailer.” With Tommy sufficiently shamed, Aster switched her focus to Madison.

“Breaking and entering. Twice in one day.” Madison folded her arms across her chest.

Aster seized the chance to gloat. “Broke inside your LA house too, just so you know.”

Madison’s face was impassive, her look cool. And that was when Aster realized she’d given her exactly what she wanted. Five minutes had passed and Aster had completely lost sight of calling Larsen.

“I’d really like to share my side of the story.” Madison’s voice was quiet and controlled.

“What could it hurt?” Tommy broke in. “If you decide you don’t like what you hear, then you can go ahead and call Larsen.”

Aster took her time to consider. She had all the evidence she needed standing right there before her, so maybe Tommy was right. What could it possibly hurt?

She was on the verge of agreeing, when Layla said, “You can’t be serious? Why should we trust either of them?”

“I went to jail!” Tommy shot back. “Or have you already forgotten?”

“Of course you let yourself get caught,” Layla snapped. “After all, it’s the perfect cover.”

“All we’re asking for is a chance to explain.”

“We. Nice.” Layla rolled her eyes, as Tommy sighed and closed his.

“I think Madison deserves a chance to explain,” he said.

“Shocking you’d feel that way,” Layla seethed.

For a handful of seconds, Aster felt badly for Layla. Clearly, her feelings were hurt. Or maybe it was just her pride, it was impossible to tell. But Layla’s argument was getting them nowhere, and Aster was tired of listening.

“Enough!” Aster cried. Turning to Madison, she said, “You have five minutes to make me believe you.”

Madison held Aster’s gaze. “If you betray me, or decide to blog about any of this”—she shot a pointed look at Layla—“I will sue you for slander.”

“It’s not slander if it’s true,” Layla bit.