She parked at the end of the road and sent Aster a text.

Change of plan. Meet me at the end of the street. You’ll see why when you get here.

So far, they’d communicated solely via Javen, but Layla was too keyed up to go through the motions. For all she knew, Tommy and Madison were responsible for the numerous threats she’d received. Hell, they’d probably been working together all along.

She glared at the rearview mirror. It took every ounce of her will to keep from breaking down the front door and pummeling them both until they resembled one of the cartoon cats on the notes she’d been sent.

Despite everything she’d been through—public humiliation, death threats, jail time—Layla finally knew what it was like to be so consumed by rage she literally couldn’t see straight. What had once seemed like some dumb cliché of flaring nostrils, racing heart, shaking hands, seeing red, and an absolute inability to think clearly had become her current reality.

She’d trusted Tommy. She’d made herself vulnerable to him. And the whole time, he’d been stringin

g her along in whatever sick game the two of them were playing.

She fingered the door handle. Checked the time on her phone. Where the hell were Aster and Ryan? If they didn’t show in the next five minutes, then she was going in on her own.

She pressed her forehead against the steering wheel and forced her breath to come. To think she’d traded Mateo for Tommy . . . what a colossal mistake that had been.

She’d always figured Mateo was too nice for her, that he deserved someone better, less cynical. Mateo was content living a quiet life, filled with simple pleasures. The contrast between his vision and Layla’s had left her feeling restless, antsy, and craving a bigger experience.

At the time, Tommy seemed more her speed. He had big dreams and the ambition to feed them.

Being confronted with the truth was a humbling experience. Clearly she’d misjudged both guys.

When his little sister fell ill and his mom lost her job, Mateo didn’t hesitate to do what it took to ease his mom’s financial burdens and cover Valentina’s medical bills. The swift and noble nature of his actions had left her both awed and ashamed for ever having doubted him.

And this was where Tommy’s ambition had led him. She glared into the rearview mirror again.

She’d been such a fool, and now it was too late to reverse. Mateo’s star was on the rise. He was dating Heather Rollins, of all people—a girl he’d once professed to dislike. From what she’d seen at Ira’s tequila launch party, Mateo had since changed his mind.

Once this was all behind her, she vowed to walk away and never look back. Aside from Mateo, she’d never been good at maintaining romantic relationships. Maybe she really was more like her mom than she cared to admit. Rumor had it her mom’s latest marriage was on the rocks and headed in the same direction as her first one, to Layla’s dad.

Layla glanced at her phone and looked all around. Still no sign of Aster and Ryan. Well, screw it. The five-minute allowance had been arbitrary at best.

Tired of waiting. Going in.

The text swooshed into the ether as Layla bolted from the car and ran as fast as her legs would carry her.



“Stop the car!” Aster shouted, staring in dismay at the sight of Layla racing down the street.

Ryan slammed the brakes as Aster sprang from her seat and leaped in front of her. “Whatever you’re planning on doing, don’t!” She grasped hold of Layla’s arm.

Layla struggled against her, but once Ryan joined them, she quietly surrendered.

“I know you’re upset.” Aster forced herself to keep calm, hoping it would convince Layla to calm down too. “But everything we need is finally within reach. So you have to put your personal feelings aside and let me handle this, since I’m the one with the most on the line.”

“You’re right.” Layla’s shoulders slumped forward as the fight seeped out of her. “It’s just—” Leaving the rest unspoken, she closed her eyes and covered her face with her hands.

“Let’s not jump to any conclusions.” Ryan slipped an arm around Layla. At the sight of it, Aster grew tense. There was no telling how Layla would respond. She was unpredictable at best, volatile at worst. “Let’s give them a chance to explain,” he said.

Layla dabbed at her face and lifted her gaze. “Yes, let’s give them that chance, shall we?” Her mind made up, she tucked her hair behind her ears and motioned for Aster and Ryan to lead the way. She’d cycled from rage to grief to bitter determination so quickly it left Aster uneasy.

They paused before the front door. “If we ring the bell, we’ll tip them off.” Aster spoke in a whisper.

“You’re not seriously thinking of breaking a window like you did in Joshua Tree.” Layla stared, horrified.