“If you tell me that Julien Thornton held you hostage and used his prick on you for several days, I’m gonna be both proud and hate your guts all at once, because I can multitask like that.”

Robbie started to laugh like a loon. God, he needed that. He also needed to meet up with Elliot and finally tell someone who would truly appreciate his predicament.

“Uhh, why you laughing, Bianchi? I’m serious. Where the fuck have you been? And please know that the only reason I didn’t send out a search party is because you texted me back the other night and Tommy saw you at work.”

“Let me know when you’re done with your jealous rant, because I have more that you can add to it.”

“He fucked you, didn’t he? Oh my God. Was he amazing? What am I saying—of course he was.”

“No, he didn’t fuck me. But I will say he tastes as good as his cooking does.”

“You lucky little fucker.”

“I know,” Robbie said. “Have coffee with me this afternoon. We’ll trade stories.”

“Well mine doesn’t involve sucking off a celebrity, buuut…if you’re buying, I’ll be there.”

“What time, cheap-ass?”

“Umm, four. Does that work?”

Robbie winced. If Priest was picking him up at six, he wanted time to come home and primp for the night ahead. “Can we make it three?”

“What? You got a better offer to— Wait. Are you seeing him again?” Elliot’s voice was so high by the end of that sentence that Robbie was shocked cats from all over the city didn’t flock to him.

“I am. So—”

“Three o’clock. Your skinny ass better be here ready to talk. Don’t you dare bail on me, Bianchi, or I’ll track you down.”

Robbie laughed. “I’ll be the cute one with a satisfied glow about him.”

“Fucking show-off.”

“Aww, go cry about it.”

“I just might.”

“See you at three, El.”

“See you then, Bianchi.”

Robbie ended the call with a smile so wide that he was pretty sure his cheeks might start to ache if he didn’t get it under control. He was feeling particularly good about himself and where he was headed tonight, and when he looked down at the pajamas Felicity had given him for Christmas, Robbie smirked and jumped to his feet.

He moved across his room so the dark wooden door was at his back, and then raised his phone up and flipped the camera so he was on screen. He posed and clicked off several sexed-up shots, and then went over to the bed and scrolled through them. When he found one that he thought best described his mood, he opened the group thread with Julien and Priest, added it, and hit send. Then he settled back in his bed and waited for a response.

PRIEST WAS SEATED at one end of the conference table for Mitchell & Madison’s weekly meeting as Cole, one of his partners at the law firm, ran through several of the cases they needed the associates to pick up this week in Logan’s absence. They were just winding up now, and as Cole handed the final file to Angela, one of the family law attorneys, Priest’s phone vibrated on top of the conference table.

He picked it up, and as he sat back in his seat, he looked down to see it was a text message from Robbie. He heard Cole telling everyone they were done if no one had anything else to say, and as they all started to file out, Priest opened the message to see what it said.

Was Robbie cancelling tonight? Priest hoped that wasn’t the case. He was looking forward to—

As he opened the text message, an image loaded in the group thread, and what appeared made it blatantly obvious that Robbie was not calling to cancel.

Priest’s hand tightened around the phone as he looked at the teasing little flirt in the photo staring back at him. Robbie was wearing some kind of sexy red…jumpsuit? And had unzipped it midway down his chest. He’d brought one of the drawstrings at the collar up to his mouth, in a sexy pout that dragged his full bottom lip down, and hanging from the end of it was a white, fluffy ball that should’ve made him look ridiculous, but made Priest’s cock hard as a fucking rock.

Robbie looked good enough to eat, as he aimed his eyes up at the camera giving his best come get me look.

Priest quickly typed: Bring that outfit tonight. I want to suck that ball.

Not a second later, Julien was typing, and Priest wondered if his husband was as hard as he was right then. He got his answer when Julien’s message came through.

Julien: And I want to watch.

Robbie: LOL. If you’re nice to me, I might let you.

Priest’s lips twitched at the sassy response, and he could actually hear Robbie’s voice clear as day in his mind.