“Well, now, I’d never say no to being spoiled. You know better than that,” Robbie said, and stabbed his fork in the center of his noodles and started to twirl. “But just because I want someone doesn’t mean they’re going to just magically appear and everything is going to be rainbows and unicorns. Trust me, I’ve tried wishing at fountains, on coins, when I blew out my…twenty or so candles last year. It’s not that easy.”
Nonna tsked him as she started to twirl a fork in her own noodles. “That might be so. But tell me, Robert, do you think I’m blind? And think before you answer that.”
At her sudden no-nonsense tone, Robbie had a vision of Priest and found it incredibly odd that he had such a dramatically different response to him being all authoritative. Thank God for that.
“No, I don’t. Why?”
“Because I have seen a black SUV drop you off twice now.”
As she waited for him to explain that, Robbie shoveled another fork of food in his mouth to buy himself some time.
“I also saw the driver of that car kiss you on the cheek. He was very handsome.”
Oh God. Italian grandmothers—they’re worse than the paparazzi.
“Is he your new boyfriend?”
Umm… “I don’t know.” There, that was kind of the truth.
“What do you mean you don’t know? If he’s dropping you off in the early hours of the morning, I should hope he means more to you than a casual—”
“What did we talk about when I moved in here, Nonna?” Robbie interrupted.
“I know. I know. You’re a healthy young man who is allowed to date. I understand that. But this is twice in a row now, and, well…I was wondering if maybe it was that nice man you told me about at Thanksgiving? You know, the fellow who cooks?”
Robbie paused with his fork midway to his mouth, stunned right down to his socked feet, because never in a million years would he have expected his nonna to remember a five-minute conversation back from— But then the penny dropped. Oh, he was going to kill Felicity.
“All right, when did she call you?” Robbie asked, knowing it wouldn’t have taken more than an innocent Do you know if Robert is seeing anyone? from their grandmother for Felicity to volunteer as much as she knew that wouldn’t give the old lady a heart attack. Apparently, Felicity had deemed “the fellow who cooked” the better option than the man Robbie had once said he would happily go to jail for murdering.
Nonna raised her fork to her mouth and took a bite of her food, her eyes wide. The only thing that would’ve made her little charade similar to his own who, me? I’m innocent act would’ve been if she batted her lashes at him.
“Don’t try and act all innocent with me, vecchietta. It might’ve taken me a few seconds to wake up, but I’m wide awake now. When did Felicity call?”
Nonna chewed her pasta, swallowed it, and said, “She didn’t.”
“Bugiarda,” Robbie said, and shoved back from the table to go and grab the house phone. “Your nose will grow if you keep that up. That’s what you used to tell me.”
“And aren’t you glad you listened? Your nose is cute as a button.”
Robbie touched the tip of his nose, and then pointed the phone at Nonna. “Don’t try and sidetrack me with compliments. You know it will work.”
“I’m not. It is cute.”
When Robbie sat back down and dialed, Nonna sighed and lowered her fork to the plate.
“Okay. It was yesterday,” she said, and Robbie hung up. “She was calling to check on her dear old nonna and also asked how her brother was.”
“That’s interesting, considering I only talked to her a few days ago.”
“Oh. Really? Then I don’t know what she was up to.”
“Mhmm. I don’t believe you for a second. I think you two were gossiping, as usual. But this food was amazing, so I guess you’re forgiven.” Robbie took his plate to the sink, then kissed Nonna on the cheek. “I’m going out tonight, but I’ll be back sometime tomorrow to get ready for work. Do you need anything today before I go?”
“If you go to the store, some milk and eggs would be a great help. But only if you’re going.”
Robbie winked. “I’m going to try and meet up with Elliot for coffee in a couple of hours, so I’ll be sure to get you some.”
“You’re a doll, Robbie. Someday, some lucky man—”
“Will sweep me off my feet and throw me in his bed, if I’m lucky.”
Nonna shooed him away and Robbie headed off down the hall, and when he got to his room, he grabbed his phone and scrolled through to Elliot’s number. When he found it, he hit call.
“Bitch, where the hell have you been?” Elliot answered.
Robbie grinned—he could hear the hustle and bustle of the salon Elliot worked at—and when he said, “Taking five,” Robbie twirled one of the white pompoms around his finger and waited. Not two seconds later, Elliot was back.